Sunday, 22 January 2012
In seeking You, you led me to love
In seeking you, you led me to love
You suffered my pains and my angst
And lead me to love
You looked within my core and tore away the unnecessary
The foibles and follies
The misguided judgment and unfair prejudice
In seeking you,
You led me to love
You stripped away the tired dishevelled exterior of earthly needs
And lead me to love
All that I sought you took
In its place you gave me love
I came seeking you amidst the throws of my human frailty
And you gave me love
You shielded me from myself
And in thus doing
You gave me love
Am repentant, for now I have my true love
For: The journey we must all take
Remember: runningwater is a life source, a giver a source proficient.
dans la Casablanca 201220001@6.45am
You Stole From Me – Revisited

There is the temptation to despise and hate those that have done us great and perceived hurt or injustice. Those that hide behind the facility of law to gain where they did not earn. Those who dwell in the lower depth of human existence yet daily claim normality in ignorance. I was raised never to hate nor use the word hate by a father, way ahead of his time. Yet nothing more brings you to the brink of h,.. than having one’s work, ambition and future of one’s children stolen in one unjust and calculated cut of her majesty’s law and clever legal moves.
That which really brings you to the brink is not the law, the posturing, the bile of divorce. That which brings the nearness of the brink of h,… is the inability of the misguided not to see the impossibility of their situation. To not seek redemption is to court personal disasters. To nurture the enemy within. You know the type: in every situation, they bear no responsibility for anything. They are in their mind in essence perfect, thus equalling themselves to God!
What we have on earth shall never be taken to our true purpose. We came with nothing and we shall leave with nothing except that which we shall answer for. The question is, what will your answer be when you are asked, how have you lived your life?
The healing process is complete. One has atoned for one’s sins and daily beg God to perceive of one not which one has done but to judge one on the content of one’s heart. We hate no-one, despise none and have no affectation. We serve only one true Allah, Bismillah Alhamdollilah. He is the ultimate provider and without him we are nothing, with him we are everything.
For: the stolen and for those that steal
Remember – Runningwater fulfils, it cleanses.
Casablanca 20122001@6.35am
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Racism – discuss!

In the UK there has been a furore on the issue of racism. A. Suarez vs Evra. B. The alleged issue of John Terry vs Anton Ferdinand. And after 18 years the parents of Steven Lawrence finally got partial justice for the racist slaying of their son. We have indeed come a long way from the “lynch mob” (* you can google the historical term ), but have we?
Its often said by certain black people that no other race can appreciate racism unless they are black. Is this true? Let’s examine this closely. In my humble opinion, racism is not necessarily about race, creed or colour. It is more about power and mind-set.
Let us look at history. For example in over 200 years of the slave trade, manipulation of Black Africans by European Super-powers was essentially about superiority of technology and the effectiveness of the “divide & rule” concept of separation. Afterall, before the advent of Europeans on African soil, we had proud African empires such as the Songhai dynasty, Mali and Benin to name a few. These empires subjugated neighbours and sold them freely in the sub-saharan trade routes. All the participants in these matters were black, can this then be racism?
These differences were latterly exploited by Europeans in pitting African against African to achieve their aim of superiority control. They may have despised the indigene population or thought them beneath them, but is that racism or prejudice?
Secondly, let’s examine briefly the Jewish question. A horrid era in the white European history. We all know what the Germans did to the jews in this period. Looking closer at the issue, was it about colour, race or creed? Jews were known for their tenacity in trade, excelled in the world of finance, were and are intelligent and pretty much looked like their German oppressors. Could we determine then that it wasn’t about colour creed or race and perhaps about power? I believe you can only oppress other if you have the power and mental fortitude to do so, or you are misguided. Hitler’s Germany believed the Jews to be abhorrent essentially because of a misinterpreted historical believe about Jesus and Christianity and his death. The Jewish community are equally powerful today and walk tall in the lobby of the most powerful nation in the world (USA). The power base of the Jew was perhaps a more reasonable reason for such massive devastation of a people. They were a direct threat. For, how can you hate a race yet covet their art, artistry, intelligence??
Most people assume that racism is about colour. Beg to differ. The vitriol experienced throughout the world is usually about POWER.
This does not necessarily mean the majority against the minority as in the Lynch Mob case of Steven Lawrence. The minority usually hold power in a twisted but little understood issue of who holds the power.
In a way, do we all not make prejudicial choices? What we should all be looking at is: What everlasting damage did slavery cause all those that shared the same skin colour. Ironically, the damage is a two way issue. The oppressed and the oppressors. Africans in their many guises today have had to live with the mental legacy of the Slave trade. One cannot underplay the level of damage as expressed by the late Robert Nestor Malley: “ emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but us can free our mind” To me, this is the real issue. The legacy of the slave trade was not about colour, it was about power. Blacks must fight their internal demons that unconsciously blocks their mental capacity to overcome most obstacles they face.
Getting back their personal power is the priority. Blacks need to be the boss of themselves. Know that when you are faced by a perceived racial slur, know that it is about arresting from you, your power. Even when it is from someone who you have thought unable to disempower you.
Your fortunes are yours to claim. It is an issue of risk and reward. What are you willing to risk to empower yourself? Ask yourself, have I given up my right to be the boss of me?
My current bug-bears:
1. When sexual orientation is likened to race or skin colour.
2. Why does a white person abuse the colour of a person when there is an issue. Is it to inflict presupposed superiority complex?, please, how misguided!
3. How can you oppress others when you have felt the pangs of oppression yourself? ( Israel – Palestine question )
Remember: running water is a life giving source. One we cannot live without.
This article is of my own thoughts and experiences and I do not represent any group or parties. Bismillah Alhamdollilah – mercy be upon his name.
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