Friday, 26 October 2012

And So to my 10 big questions for the week.

1. Will Mit Romney keep on saying whatever needs to be said without substance, just to win by any means necessary?

2. Does art imitate real life? For example: the Presidents of America are always blacks in American films when world disasters occur.

3. Dave "call me dave Cameron" announced we are at officially 1% growth. So we are out of the double dip. Whilst at the same time record levels of job losses were announced today. How do those whose jobs have been lost feel about his announcement. Small comforts for personal tragedies surely???

4. Do we remember the Kent businessman sent to America to answer charges for selling arms? Isn't it ironic,  he is to plea bargain admitting the crime. Yet the misplaced British media cried wolf initially for his innocence.

5. Will Manchester City ever get past the qualifying stage of the champions league?(hahahaha!!!)

6. Minister in charge of DWP has chopped and slashed and insisted people must find work. Where are these jobs that abled body workers can find  let alone disabled applicants.

7. Angela Merkel may be a despised figure on a recent visit to Athens,...because of the Greek austerity measures. However, can we try some perspective here, she didn't live beyond her Greek means. It was the Greeks that did that and it's not sustainable. Now they are paying the price.

8. What's the point of reality TV shows if nothing more than an effective tool for governments to release negative economic news??

9. Dare I say it: why are most paedophiles of certain background, age, colour and propensity?

10. Similarly, why when I go to the hole- in -the- wall, my fear for money and safety is not number 9 above, but young men of a certain hue and disposition?

Thanks for stopping by: remember:- runningwater can cleanse and quench

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Instructions for life in the new millennium

1.      Take into account that great love and great achievements involves great risk.
2.      When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3.      Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, respect for others, responsibility for all your actions.
4.      Remember not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5.      Learn the rules so you know how to break them.
6.      Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7.      When you realise you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8.      Spend some time alone every day.
9.      Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10.  Remember that sometimes silence is the best answer.
11.  Live a good, honourable life. Then when you are older and think back you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12.  A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13.  In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
14.  Share the knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
15.  Be gentle to the earth.
16.  Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
17.  Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18.  Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19.  Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Wise words courtesy of the Dalai Lama.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Did JT end Rio Ferdinand's International Football Career?

It's with interest and amusement that I note the continuing saga of the Ferdinand and Terry footballing icons. Rio Ferdinand's only crime was to support a brother allegedly racially abused by John Terry. This is the same Rio Ferdinand voted as one of the most outstanding defenders in the world in his initial World Cup in 2002 in South Korea and Japan. From the England squad only Sol Campbell shared the honour of making the world eleven. John Terry was a player that had not even been heard of whilst Ferdinand was making a name for himself.

In defending his brother Rio got left out of the England football squad for footballing reasons when a clear choice had to made by the England manager if the pair could work together in the England squad. Terry was chosen for footballing reason by Roy "honest man" Hodgson.  

Asked on a train journey from the emirates stadium by an England fan if Rio Ferdinand still had an England career, he carelessly replied : Rio's England career was over. What a way to learn your career was over after having given your all for your country! 

Hodgson was forced into embarrassingly having to explain his unguarded remark to the press. Once again, his explanation was for footballing reasons. 
Amazing isn't it that your brother allegedly gets abused by a stellar character like John Terry and your reward is the end of your international footballing career. 
It gives new meaning to: Am I my brothers keeper.

So, what do you think, did JT end Rio Ferdinand's international football career? 
A racist usually assumes a position of power hence they think they are better or you are inferior. However, when you drill down into the racist you normally find the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. A key point is to look closely at JT's father and his family and the truth becomes evident.

Remember: runningwater is fluid and sustains you,..all of us including the racist.

Monday, 15 October 2012

I once read that,...

I once read in a newspaper or was it on the news. There was a young African man who had dropped to earth from the sky. He wasn't looking to break the sound barrier like the individual in the news this week. Looking more into this in greater detail I discovered to my amazement that the unknown individual had attempted to flee his country for a better life by sneaking into the undercarriage of the airplane. 

At the time I heard this news I merely filed it away in my mental rolodex. Recently, it came to mind and I must confess recalling the issue, some reactions by the popular media was that he was a stupid man, lacking in education and any modicum of sense.

However, I see it differently. Can you imagine what the unsub would have been trying to leave behind in order to find a better life. For him to decide the only option was to latch himself to the undercarriage of an airplane.

 Can you imagine how he must have suffered in the elements as the reality and consequence of his action began to dawn on him. What horror! But you know, I see only bravery. Bravery is all I see.

 Consider for a moment that in the very countries he was desperate to reach, and the jobs he hoped to get and the many that may have depended upon him back in his home country. Those same opportunities which the youth of the countries in which the unsub was seeking refuge and hope. Those opportunities are sneered at, what with the get rich now culture and fast track to fame. Real jobs involving sweat and effort are looked upon with disdain in the hope of being discovered for having absolutely no talent. I despair, some of the youths of today are a generation who have not had the value of work ethics drilled into them. These are the youths on whom our future will depend!!!!
I would the unsub who fell to earth had by some miracle had survived his perilous travail. I will leave you to work out why.

Remember: runningwater is safe to drink, have you ever wondered why its called runningwater? It has a lot of people to get to.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

My Bug Bears!!!

Oh boy have I got many!

Where do I start?

1. Why is a child of mixed race parentage always considered black? Even when the child's father is white? 
How does the paternal parents family feel? Key example: President Obama is considered a black man but his mother is as white as the driven snow!

2. Why do supposed learned journalist, commenters always brush together BLACKS with lesbians, homosexuals, and minorities. Skin colour like Caucasian white, Chinese, Hispanic brown isn't a matter of choice at birth. If this isn't the point they make when they brush the colour black with every minority,...then why don't say white is alike being gay? If it isn't a matter of choice??? Uhn!!!!

3. Why if I called a policeman a pleb or swear at him will I be cautioned and probably arrested. Yet certain Tory ministers walk free?

4. Why, when we scour the planet for living signs of poverty, the UK has over 20,000 people sleeping rough every night.  British people. The average family here now feed hand to mouth. Yet we give billions in foreign aids? It's called stockpiling for the future. However, for many in Britain the future is real and it's here NOW!!

5. Why there is a tv licence fee in a civilised western democracy? When statistics shows that less than 25% viewing public watch those channels or listen to those radio channels, what with the plethora of available station thru satellite, broadband.

6. Why a country considered inferior to GB uses traffic controlling measures to cut speed. Let me explain. Over 15 years ago, Portugal introduced a traffic light system that slows you down to red for speeding. No matter the car, If you shoot off, the next light would go red, stopping you again. These system were introduced along the coastal roads initially. Given, not a revenue collector but it can honestly claim to save lives. Now contrast that with the millions made in revenue in every western city like london and Zurich with their speed cameras. They argue, the money will be invested in road safety and improvement. Who do you believe?

These are just a few of mines. Do you have any? Is there anyone listening? Log in and send me yours.

Remember: runningwater, slips and slides and is a force of nature. Be good to the planet and the rewards are great. Isn't it ironic last week, Spain needed the rain to quell the forest fires but it was another part of Spain that got the deluge!!!
Be kind to the planet, we all have to use it.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Does it matter?

In the grand scheme of things, what really matters to you?
About it,...

Don't get caught up in the hype
Be yourself,...
And if you can't,..
Be better.
Fight your demons
And never sleep with the devil
One day the devil might want to f...!!!

Remember: set your mind free and your ass will follow.