Monday, 17 December 2012

What a strange world we live in

What a strange world we live in

Regrettably, America saw the horror of 9/11. It went on to change the whole American psyche. Changes were instigated to ensure such carnage could not occur again on American soil. 
America has had more loses of life thru the internal killing of innocents as in the case of Connecticut and others before it, than the combined victim counts in several wars.
We have to ask the questions :
1.Why are these terrorist always white men from well-to-do family background? ( let's make no bones about it, you are a terrorist  if you can take a gun and shoot down innocent people, especially children) 

2. Why does America have an obsession with Guns?

3. Most importantly, if a thing known as the constitution exist in America. With all its amendments,..why do people say it cannot be amended to stop America from bleeding again!!!

The term constitution by determination means a system off laws enshrined to stop lawlessness and protect the rights of every single American. Beautiful in interpretation simplistic in its ideal,..yet every six months we have this atrocities visited on our children. 

A nation you can say is judged on the way it protects all its citizens. However, when a nation cannot protect its children, there is something seriously wrong. "We have gotta be able to do better than this" - these are the usual  response whenever these horrors occur. You can almost plot when the next outrage will occur. It's sickening and it's enough. 

Were these atrocities caused by America's favourite "go to for blame" (muslim terrorists) the outrage, response and deaths in the Muslim world in terms of American retaliation would have been shock & awe. Does anybody not see the irony???

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The enemy is within in America,..whilst we stand and talk of "fiscal cliff" ( which btw,..most Americans don't understand) we are taking our eyes of the ball. The right to bear arms ultimately coupled with the wacky left could be the final undoing of America. 

The fact is we call it the United States,..however I fear this is only in name. Anyone who has ever lived in America will tell you that neighbour fear neighbour,..state to state. Suspicion abound in a healthy dose and the bad intentioned prey on the mind of the intellectually weak or vulnerable. 
When will it all stop? Maybe when one of the children of the gun lobbyist 
is among the victims of such crimes. However, from experience it's the innocents that usually pay the ultimate prize.

For the children of America 

Remember: runningwater can heal.