Recently a well known celebrity blogger spoke out about black youths. About them being responsible for majority of knife crime, gun crime, muggings and such,.. i think you get the picture. He further went on to mention that the only thing given in return by the Afro-carib community was the cuisine and rap music ( this is not an exact quote you will understand )
The furore sorrounding this blog was amazing. Many phoned in to radio shows, in particular one I listen to, the Vanessa feltz show on radioLondon. The gist of most who phoned in, were that the celebrity blogger was a racist, not thinking and setting back race relations back! He wanted to question this issue of multi-cultural Britain.
My view on the above is clear. In the cities the chap mentioned,.. statistically the truth is that his ascertions are right. BLACK YOUTHS are responsible for a majority of these crimes. Let stop defending the indefensable,..Am a 47 year old South Londoner and the truth is not much has changed since I was at school. However, what I do take umbrage at is the sweeping of all black youths with the same brush. My learned co-blogger should actually do some research and if he did he will find out that it is time we stopped using the term afro-caribbean.Most of these crimes are committed by Caribbean youths,..not African youths!
Most African youths are well behaved, cooperative and balanced members of the youth community. This is proven in the school reports of most schools in London/Manchester/Birmingham and Liverpool. Its time we call a spade a spade. Caribbean parents must take responsibility for their children. From a young age, not when they are too tall to listen. The raising of children, any children starts from the womb, and it starts from living a life worth emulating!
I was brought up old-school, by parents who cared enough to want to know where I was at all times of the day and I had clear boundaries for all adults. These days you cannot even look at some of these Carribean youths in the eye for fear of reprisal,.. some say its bravado, but how does a frightened person know its bravado?!!
Give credit where credit is due,.. African children work hard, are responsible, play a solid role in youth community and are a good example of ways to behave. The problem with the caucasian public is that they just see colour and not the individual - hence a well behaved African youth is tarnished with the same brush used to tarnish Carribean youth.
I guess my point is that the celebrity blogger was right up to a point,..but should take onboard individuals - especially Africans who have contributed to the world as we use it:
1. Philip Emeagwali -( ) He left school in Standard 8 and lived with his family in a refugee camp. But Nigerian Philip Emeagwali is now regarded as one of the world's best scientific brains --- a man who has won truckloads of awards and is worth a cool $200 million - He developed the world fastest computer. More successful Africans to come - keep this page bookmarked! ( Got to watch my beloved Arsenal! )
My Gripe of the day: Whats with the black youths of today,.. the first thing they do when they leave school in the evening is head straight to a chicken take-away and stuff their face. What happened to good healthy home-cooked meals. Have you seen the numbers of fast-food takeaway around our schools??!! I really fear for our kids as especially the people who should know better ( their parents ) are busy supporting these same fast-food takeaways after their evening night out.
These chicken shops must dread the day Black people start eating healthily!
Remember: running water cannot be stopped. The views on these pages are my own personal observation.
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