Best Interest of the child
Picture the scene:
You meet, you talk, you touch, you agree that life would be unbearable without each other.
You abort them, you promise, you implore, you beg , you cajole, you direct, you explore, you enchant, you enthrall, you charm, you set ground rules, you obey, you disobey.
You’re exhausted!
You panic!
She screams!
You scream!
It screams!!
They scream!!!
,.. the pitter patter of small feet grow louder,
You meet, you talk, you touch, you agree thats it golf on Wednesdays, salsa on Fridays, but oh I cant miss football, and I cant miss strictly come prancing!
It cries, cant decide who should provide the emotional support
Its given a name, happy days, friends and family, little its gotta a name!
Workloads heavy, cant always be home on time,.. will you do the ironing tonight and what about dinner? Little IT’s swallowed a sock, off to see the Doc!
Panic all about us!
Name calling and shaming, it was all your fault, no it wasn’t,.. i do as much as you if not more and I earn double!
You don’t appreciate me, I think this was a mistake,.. we don’t even fuck anymore, all we do now is make love.
I think you are seeing someone else! You don’t love me anymore,.. I don’t even think you love it!
I want you out, am better off without you! ( you're not wrong! )
But its my house!
Do I care! All I need is a fancy lawyer and some well placed lies, and lack of conscience and we can remedy that!
But what about my child? I love my child, I cant be without my child,...
No me, no child! No house and I want half your shit,.. this is my child, my home, my chair, my tv, my wardrobe, my bed, my carpet and rug, my mug!
Mine! mine!mine! all mine!
Picture the scene:
You meet, you talk, you touch, you agree that life would be unbearable without each other.
You abort them, you promise, you implore, you beg , you cajole, you direct, you explore, you enchant, you enthrall, you charm, you set ground rules, you obey, you disobey.
You’re exhausted!
You panic!
She screams!
You scream!
It screams!!
They scream!!!
,.. the pitter patter of small feet grow louder,
You meet, you talk, you touch, you agree thats it golf on Wednesdays, salsa on Fridays, but oh I cant miss football, and I cant miss strictly come prancing!
It cries, cant decide who should provide the emotional support
Its given a name, happy days, friends and family, little its gotta a name!
Workloads heavy, cant always be home on time,.. will you do the ironing tonight and what about dinner? Little IT’s swallowed a sock, off to see the Doc!
Panic all about us!
Name calling and shaming, it was all your fault, no it wasn’t,.. i do as much as you if not more and I earn double!
You don’t appreciate me, I think this was a mistake,.. we don’t even fuck anymore, all we do now is make love.
I think you are seeing someone else! You don’t love me anymore,.. I don’t even think you love it!
I want you out, am better off without you! ( you're not wrong! )
But its my house!
Do I care! All I need is a fancy lawyer and some well placed lies, and lack of conscience and we can remedy that!
But what about my child? I love my child, I cant be without my child,...
No me, no child! No house and I want half your shit,.. this is my child, my home, my chair, my tv, my wardrobe, my bed, my carpet and rug, my mug!
Mine! mine!mine! all mine!
Boy do I feel like a mug!
What happened? Where is the love? Have you no shame?
Get out! The judge says I can have it all!
I guess you have won the lottery, hope it makes you happy
The best interest of the child!
You dad is shit, he’s useless, done nothing for you, no presents, no letters, no card, no fucking phone calls! He’s shit! He is just a womaniser and he doesn’t love you!
A familiar story???
I guess in the heat of passion and protestation of love and affection one should be careful who one has a child with, who one chooses to explore one’s life with.
Often in the interest of the child the mother will tell the child that the absent father doesn’t love them, has never sent presents, nor called, nor written.
Had he called, written or sent presents,..it would have been shredded and binned, phone would have been slammed down, because he loves his IT, he would have to be punished!
Yet the inconvenient truth is that the bitterness and hurt following the split makes the child’s interest the last thing on her mind. He has to suffer for daring to leave me for a younger woman!
For daring not to love me no more,.. all those beautiful things about him that made him lovable when you first met,.. like the way he was a father to your child, a strong and dependable man, gave a home to all and shared the little or lot he had doesn’t count for squat no more,.. the holidays, the moments shared are forgotten in the desperation to make him PAY!
God I hate him and so should you too IT!
He’s a loser, selfish and unfaithful
All in the interest of the child!
With God all things are possible.
The interest of the child SHOULD be paramount!
Even if you cannot stand the sight of that once beautiful smile, that brought you out in giggles of excitement. Remember it isn’t about you,.. Its about IT,... your child
Remember: runningwater cannot be stopped!
The views expressed here are my own personal views and observation on life as I observe it. Its my contribution to the ongoing debate of ‘ whats in the childs best interest ‘ when parents split up!