Over the last few weeks all the media attention has been on celebrities who cheat and what lessons and examples they are giving to the minnions who allegedly have lesser life's. I find myself examining carefully that world celebrity. To my uninitiated mind I thought celebrity meant someone who has achieved something of worth or note, worth emulating or that leaves you inspired,..hence the word celebrated.
Boy was I wrong: The latin meaning of the word:- celebrity
The word itself comes from the latin word " celebritatem" meaning, literally, 'condition of being famous' which means people just have to recognise you for you to be a celebrity. The irony of course is that most celebrity strive for years to be famous then wear dark glasses as not to be receognised while moaning constantly about being famous.
Two points here: Firstly, why is the Accusative Singular taken as the word from which English 'celebrity' comes from? Secondly, 'Celebritas' literally meaning a 'multitude', a 'crowd', and the word itself stems from the word 'celebro' - to go to a place often.
But I digress. I guess the point I am trying to make is what the media considers newsworthy over the last month, to date in column inches are: tiger woods ( sex scandal), john terry ( sex scandal ), ashley cole ( yet another sex scandal! ) I think you get the picture. These issues are private issues and should remain in the domain of such. Can Tiger Woods play Golf? Yes. Was it his marriage that made him famous? No,.. Is John Terry a good footballer? well, thats debatable,.. I think you get my drift,..
In that time we have had no less than 4 earthquakes, killing thousands of people, the genocide & hunger in sudan continues unabated, and we are sleep-walking into a nightmare of enormous proportions with the conservative party seemingly heading for 10 downing street following the upcoming UK elections!
We can now view and download data and share data with people around the world in seconds and I have recently found out that on an I-phone or other similar gadgets you can view real life scenes from camera's around the world and even manipulate them! ( Pure voyeurism ) Yet, we are unable or unwilling to help people who die every second in the third world thru lack of drinkable water or food, we are unable to offer the elderly of this country free heating & care in the winter months and often finding some have died of cold and usually of loneliness. I think I read it somewhere that we are shall be judged by the way we treat our elders,..
There is a method to my madness! I am not saying that technology is not good, Nor am I saying that it shouldnt enhance the quality of peoples lifes what I am saying is that it should be inclusive in enhancing the quality of life of all human being!
Remember: running water cannot be stopped! The views on this page are mine, I am not affliated to any party nor represent any religion or people. I am however, a citizen of the world without boundaries.
Boy was I wrong: The latin meaning of the word:- celebrity
The word itself comes from the latin word " celebritatem" meaning, literally, 'condition of being famous' which means people just have to recognise you for you to be a celebrity. The irony of course is that most celebrity strive for years to be famous then wear dark glasses as not to be receognised while moaning constantly about being famous.
Two points here: Firstly, why is the Accusative Singular taken as the word from which English 'celebrity' comes from? Secondly, 'Celebritas' literally meaning a 'multitude', a 'crowd', and the word itself stems from the word 'celebro' - to go to a place often.
But I digress. I guess the point I am trying to make is what the media considers newsworthy over the last month, to date in column inches are: tiger woods ( sex scandal), john terry ( sex scandal ), ashley cole ( yet another sex scandal! ) I think you get the picture. These issues are private issues and should remain in the domain of such. Can Tiger Woods play Golf? Yes. Was it his marriage that made him famous? No,.. Is John Terry a good footballer? well, thats debatable,.. I think you get my drift,..
In that time we have had no less than 4 earthquakes, killing thousands of people, the genocide & hunger in sudan continues unabated, and we are sleep-walking into a nightmare of enormous proportions with the conservative party seemingly heading for 10 downing street following the upcoming UK elections!
We can now view and download data and share data with people around the world in seconds and I have recently found out that on an I-phone or other similar gadgets you can view real life scenes from camera's around the world and even manipulate them! ( Pure voyeurism ) Yet, we are unable or unwilling to help people who die every second in the third world thru lack of drinkable water or food, we are unable to offer the elderly of this country free heating & care in the winter months and often finding some have died of cold and usually of loneliness. I think I read it somewhere that we are shall be judged by the way we treat our elders,..
There is a method to my madness! I am not saying that technology is not good, Nor am I saying that it shouldnt enhance the quality of peoples lifes what I am saying is that it should be inclusive in enhancing the quality of life of all human being!
Remember: running water cannot be stopped! The views on this page are mine, I am not affliated to any party nor represent any religion or people. I am however, a citizen of the world without boundaries.
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