Always judge a book by its cover special case -Kameron & Klegg
Before the recent election I warned everybody in my blog about voting for the Con-servative party. My hypothesis was based on nothing more than the name by which they are known. Let me break it down.
Con – ( I think you get my drift )but I will elaborate later. Serve ( a little bit more difficult but its more obvious than we might think ) and finally the word as a whole: Conservative:- to uphold, preserve, hold on to, keep in place.
The dictionary offers several flavoured versions:
Meaning of conservative (adjective) resisting change; desiring to preserve traditions; cautious
conservative adj. Favouring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. ...
Often it’s said you are known by the company you keep and with the benefit of hindsight, we now know nothing could be more true than in this enduring love affair between Kameron & Klegg ( hitherto known as K&K or double K )
Before the election I argued with many that voting for the LibDems would be a wasted vote, I didn’t imagine how accurate my arguments would be. They promised as most parties that have little or no chance of getting into power do: everything, including a weekly hugs if your little child thought she saw a creepy shadow in her room.
These promises are based on the fact that they never have to deliver or think thru these policies. Their leader took on the conservatives with vigour and verve and told us all what we needed to hear. Knowing full well that at the sharp end of having to deliver, a pat on the back was the most reward they were ever going to get as a third party in British politics.
The biggest of the promises made was to eliminate school fee’s. Not to hack spending as quickly as the Con-servatives. Not to back an increase in VAT.
What a mess we are in now: We have students having to get an education by picking up huge debts, cuts in educational projects, cuts in the social services, cuts in our frontline services, cuts to our armed forces, cuts in the NHS, cuts cuts cuts!
Don’t get me wrong, am not stupid to think that some cuts are not necessary and that they will not hurt,.. It’s the savagery and intensity of the Condem cuts that hurts the most. And things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. The only reason interest rates are so low is because a subjective increase in them will harm the fragile growth of world economy.
Did you notice the only cut not made was in banking bonuses. The same bankers, who got us in the pile of poo in the first place. The over-used argument has been given that to cut bonuses would harm the very people that help us create wealth. What a load of hogwash,..no! am going to say it in good old fashion west indian lingo: bombaclat man!
The truth out there is that for over 40 years our ability to produce anything worth selling and to compete on the production train of world economics has been severely hampered. We produce nuthin man! You disagree,..? name me 5 things this country now produces and exports.? Still arguing? Go to what used to be the industrial north and see the wastelands of our former glory. We are a consumer nation now. At the mercy of countries that produce goods.
That’s why all the Heads of States of Western Government are beating down the doors of countries such as India, China and yes Nigeria,… Shocking isn’t it. All these countries have one thing in common. They have cheap labour, are not hampered by unnecessary health and safety rules & regulations which is damaging the economies of the 1St world ( I laugh! ) Once Nigeria gets it shit together, i.e electricity, safety, good infrastructures, they will definitely compete with the likes of China and India.
But I digress. The argument on which I wish to hang my hat is this: Why do the conservatives keep telling us, we are all in this together.
In cutting frontline services, and funding to all our councils and making them so severe,..we shall lose jobs in the cutbacks,..this leads to higher unemployment,..leading to brain-drains as the smart dudes and dudettes leave for sunnier climes,..and those less gifted move unto the unemployment line and dependency on state,..this leads to inability to afford life’s essentials. These cuts coupled with a rise in University fees and rise in fuel duties and petrol prices and the unwarranted increase in VAT means that everybody get the blow. I understand now what they mean that we are all in it together.
So let me summise: Our children are going to get debt ridden education where the real term payback will be in line with paying a mortgage,..then they will have to search for the non-existent jobs being sought by those already qualified. ( This would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic )
Remember: Runningwater cannot be stopped, it enhances, enriches and endures!
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