God I wish I was George Clooney. Tall, handsome, dashing, broody, successful, a choice of the worlds most beautiful women. Homes around the world, successful film career, TV coffee advert. He's got it all. But you know its not for all these things I hold George Clooney in awe. Its for his commitment in bringing the Sudanese question to the forefront of all our conscience. A question where many have tried, some for self generating media attention.
GC brought media focus, monetary, health, shelter, food and so much more. He stayed committed as the momentum for separation of the barren but manipulative North with the capital Khatoum from the poor, undeveloped South grew. Today, we stand on the threshold of the world newest nation as these long term opponents vote for separation. The South with no development might be and should be called Cush with possibly the new capital Juba. This new nation with its proud past was once known as bilad as-sudan ( land of the blacks ) Least we forget this nation was once the gateway for the great trans-saharan trade routes with influences under Egyptian rulers.
This new nation has no roads, water, and any development of note. I wish I was GC because I know he will stay committed to seeing these people rise from the ashes of near extinction. We have come a long way from the refugee camps of Darfur. CG has been practising what most of us preach but seldom achieve. The camps now have sheltered homes, water, healthcare. I salute you CG and wish I was you for your commitment to people you didn't have to care about. For you this wasn't a passing phase, a fad or ego-rub,... something to do!
We can all do more, the south has resources. Its our responsibility to make sure these resources are not wasted. We need to support the likes of CG to ensure corruption doesn't rob this new nation of their rightful place in the body of the world. Their past cannot be rewritten,..it is guaranteed in the pantheon of the world historical greatness.
Take the applause CG for no-one deserves it more than you. Life is so precious and we are only remembered for the legacy we leave and those who's life's we touch. You are a son of Africa. Africa will remember you.
Remember: Runningwater cannot be stopped, it accumulates, gathers form and build energy.