The question above was posed in the mass literature newsletter Sunday 9th January 2011 Year A. Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. Suggestions as to the answer include: some blame today’s materialism; others say it’s because of the confusion caused by suffering and scandals. It also presupposes that Christians do not try hard enough, we fail to spread the faith. The Gospel calls for us to see Christ in others. And why do we fail to see him in ourselves as the source of our strength.
My answer is that in Western society we have always lacked faith and belief. Let me explain. When you talk to most people who neither believe nor disbelieve, their usual answer is: how can I believe in something or someone I cannot see and is not relevant to my life? Afterall, Christianity is so old and has no real relevance in todays world. The bible is only full of old stories of ancient cultures and a man who walked the earth over 2000 years ago, but we could not trace 30 odd years of his life. ( from boyhood to manhood) Just where did these missing years of Christ’s life go?
But I digress,…
Why there are few converts to Christianity in our affluent society lies in the question itself. In the times of Christ,..under the the Romans we lived in a time of wanton debauchery, consumerism, greed, irresponsibility, decadence, selfishness, oppression, Rich-Poor divide, power struggles and war. Does the picture am painting seem familiar in current times???
I have often said that no matter who you believe or don’t believe in. In times of trouble, we all call out to GOD. In Yoruba they say Olorun, others say Yehwah, Rastafari, Jehovah. Call it what you will, in times of need we tend to remember a greater being that even non –believers accept, there is a Supreme being. Greater and Good and all forgiving. So to answer the question, the reason that there are fewer converts in the affluent west is because many have replaced their faith, for faith in X-factor/Blackberry/I-phone4/A-Z celebrities/daytime TV/Football stars/pornography and my personal favourite – eastenders!!!??? Go figure!
In societies that are not affluent( dont make me laugh! ), conversion to Christianity is on the increase year on year simply because of what the Bible said,..” the meek shall inherit the earth” When you don’t have the basics of life,….shelter/food/water and security it leaves you little option but to belief that only God can save you. However, I take umbrage at the fact that presupposes that in less affluent part of the world lack of consumerism is the only reason they have more people converting to Christianity. In general, people not in the Affluent west tend to have more faith, spirituality and the belief that God is the cornerstone of their life.Isnt it a shame affluence is married to wealth and presupposes that one without wealth cannot be rich. ( in spirit, body mind and soul )
Lastly, unlike in the west they don’t belief just because you can’t see it means you shouldn’t believe it. Afterall, you cant see air but you breathe it and it sustains you.
Remember: running water cannot be stopped ~ its baptises you at the beginning
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