To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
- William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
- William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
The YES or NO vote on the question of the Alternative Vote system is really a non-starter. In all my days I never imagined I would find myself where Dave call me “Dave” Con-some-One (Cameron) and myself shared common ground!
To vote Yes would be tantamount to allowing a small and non-inclusive party such as the Lib-Dems into power. A party willing to say whatever sounds nice to gather popular opinion, never really expecting to gain power. We see what this can lead to. Key election policies are reneged upon, under the guise of compromise. Truth is that policies expounded by such minority parties were never workable in the first place. A key example is: The Lib-Dems tuition fee debacle! For even the possibility of the AV system to work there would have to be an obligation for everyone to vote. Even then, we still have to trust our politicians to fulfil obligations set by their electors once in power. Under whatever system we have, most of our policies are set by negotiations among the men in grey suits with little more than self-serving interest at heart.
If it aint broke don’t fix it! There isn’t anything wrong with the current first past the post system in place. What is wrong is voter apathy. We are fed up of being lied to, no matter the system. I could write a dissertation on broken promises and falsehood used by our Leaders of whatever mast to justify their actions and what level of deceit they will engage upon to cover their proverbial ass!
Teflon Tony comes to mind: with Saddam Husseins weapons of mass distraction. This took us into an unnecessary war in Iraq. Truth is: it was more Tone’s hysteria of mass distraction!
The real question that needs addressing is why are voter numbers down, year on year, whilst the voting figures continue to rise on come dance with me and BGT. Voting and the right to vote is something that many people have died for, over the age. It should be made compulsory like the TV licence and enforced. I don’t really watch BBC television but yet am made to pay a yearly licence fee. I don’t always like the candidates in election times, but knowing they could be ousted by sheer number of voter turn-out would make them think thru policy detail.
Word to the wise: Give the AV-a big –NO come May 5th!
Remember: Runningwater is a fulfiller of life.
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