Four months ago I began my journey in Islam. The religion I was practising had failed me. It offered me no restitude from questions which troubled me. You see, I was a Catholic Christian.
I watched and listened as the Pope would not allow contraception. Contraception, which would reduce the spread of Aids in Third world countries.
I watched and listened as the Pope would not allow contraception in The Phillipines a deeply religious Catholic country. Some women in this country have up to 10 children. They are usually women on the extreme edge of poverty.
I also watched and listened as Catholics in the West would engage in all manners of sexual deviance, pornography, and then hypocritically go to Confession. “ forgive me father for I have sinned,…” You know the drill. “That’s okay my son, your sins are forgiven, take 40 Hail Mary’s and 20 Our fathers” For JC died for our sins.
This last bit threw me finally over the cliff.
Almighty Allah saved me! I did not find Islam, Islam found me!
In the third world, where poverty is endemic, faith is at a feverish level. People believe so fervently because to get out of poverty there has to be faith, right?
So, they listen.
When the Pope said : Do not use condoms for protection. No sex! They are not pretentious as the educated elite that are Catholic. They do whatever,…go to confession and are absolved of their sins. Lastly, it seemed to me the Pope occupied too much of an elevated position. So marked, that people forget the lessons of JC.
I am Moslem ( meaning simply:- those that submit ) My faith gives me direction, love and free will to commune directly with Allah. I do not need someone to help me speak to Allah. I go direct. He has even made things really simple for me. He has asked only for one thing,…complete submission! Since Allah is my creator and knows everything about me. I am nothing without him. Alluha Wakba!
Every time I bow my head in supplication to Allah, I am at peace. I feel complete. I try to be a good Moslem and every day I am enriched in my journey in Islam, Alhamdollilah. Those who cast judgement on my choice without understanding my motive and my faith, do so based on their perception of what one ought to be.
Allah sees all our faults, but also sees all the good we do. Anyone calling themselves Moslem cannot but have anything but love in their heart. Those who kill and maim in the name of Islam are no better than the leader of the faith I left behind. How a man like all of us that has never witnessed the life of the ordinary can make proclamations that affect the life of so many is beyond me.
I can testify that my faith in Allah makes me complete as I am nothing without him.
Remember Runningwater is a life source.
Thoughts contained here are my own, I belong to no sect nor follow any radical movements. May Allah be praised.
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