Saturday, 19 May 2012

Go Figure!

Amazing is the only words for it, and truss me, not in the positive sense. John "some of my best friends are black" Terry, will be permitted to lift the European cup if Chelsea wins. Even more amazing, he has been chosen on merit for the England football team. This was purely a footballing decision.
For those of you who do not know JT, he of the impeccable honour of sleeping with his best friends wife. He of the fame of cheating on his wife. Yes, that JT. He that has  been alleged to have racially abused Anton Ferdinand. Yes, that JT. A man of impeccable character. Former England football captain. The same JT, who thru his endeavours for Chelsea in the European cup competition against Barcelona, got sent off. The same JT that behaved as if he were the victim that night until the cameras revealed otherwise.
He that was spouting the usual diatribe of nonsense a  man of his limited intellect could only use. "most people who know me, know that I am not a cheat" If it wasn't beyond a joke I would have joined in the side sniggers. This is the same JT, who in July will face prosecution ( and i dont mean persecution as he might see it) for racial abuse. An allegation he strongly denies.
Confining ourselves to my initial amazement. this guy will be permitted to lift the champions league cup, should his team win it. Let us hope for all things decent that they do not win. In this same team we have players of the ilk of the Brilliant Brazillian Ramires. A Player who left nothing on the pitch in ensuring his TEAM made the final. A final he will  not be playing in because he received a yellow card. Also missing will be the immense defender, Branislav Ivanovic. A great player, a great defender who will miss the final not for doing something stupid but for commitment to the chelsea cause. I fail to understand how JT is so lauded as a player. For me, he is an ordinary player, playing with superb players who make an ordinary man as him seem more than he is.
But you know that after all is said and done, Chelsea may win that final in the end but only thru association in former Chelsea star Arjen Robben lifting the cup on behalf of Bayern.
Go figure!
But you know something,...we all pay for our deeds. Its called Nemesis, the law of retribution. In plain speak for the likes of JT,.." you gonna get served" I, for one will be looking on in sheer amazement.

Remember: runningwater is a life constant, we cannot live without it.
Bilbao - over Spain: onboard: Royal Air Maroc ~ 198052012@20.58

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Get A Grip

Why do we always judge people by our own expectations? Why do we set limits to possible attainments? In the Yoruba language they have a saying: ika o dogba ( translated, it roughly means the digits of your hand aren't equal) by this we can see that the digits of the hand reside side by side in perfect harmony. Each contributing to the useful existence of the hand. None, more important than the other. We have some that are tall, slim, short etc,... But yet none holding more sway than the other. With this simplest example of God almighty's gift to us, it makes me ponder why as human beings we suffer issues of racism, prejudice, classism, religious and sexual intolerance and any of the other isisms. The list is endless.

 Ask yourself this simple question,...out of your 5 digits, which would you sacrifice if requested? Am figuring the answer would be none? Yes, atimes you get the prima donna, (the wedding ring finger) assuming diva status simply because it wears the band. But right next door is the f... U! Finger, internationally recognised. Go figure. I say get a grip!

The basis of my discourse is that I want to examine the ongoing issue of: inter racial relationships. Some liken it unfortunately to bovril. Yes, bovril! You either like it or you don't. In the media recently we have witnessed the vitriolic response to that rather quick footed Jamaican Usain Bolt and his choice of partner. 

The arguments are that most successful field niggers aspire to be household niggers. 

This coming essentially from the plantation period of America slaveploitation. In that period, dark skinned negros worked the fields and mated where and when it was decided by "massa"(old negro term for the slave master) whilst household negroes waited on the "massa" in the mansion. Sometimes at close quarters to the massa's alleged desirable white womenfolks. Whilst the massa made nightly visits to the most buxom and attractive of the field negresses, forcing, raping and violently abusing these women., whilst externally wearing the cloak of respectability. The massa's wife knew what her husband was doing. She wasn't blind!. She had desires the massa could not fulfil and desire for the strong field negro grew. So she indulged, she made nightly visits. She found the experience enthralling, carnal and without boundaries. The massa had been cuckolded! 

Some say, this mentality exist today and it's what draws most successive black men to desire a white woman. They say it's the reason why the UK is the most racially mixed nation in the world. But in my somewhat perverse example above, we not learn that the core of human existence is love and desire. You desire that which you cannot have, and have that which is readily available.

Get a grip!

Whilst I accept that to some, having a sexual experience or indeed a life experience with someone other than your identified skin colour may be seen as an issue of triumphant success. I completely disagree. I have walked both sides of this path and I know it takes a lot more than colour to determine who you will run life's endurance race with

It's too simple an argument, to say its all about colour preference. To say so would be an injustice to President Obama, Robert De Niro, General Colin Powell, Sir Trevor McDonald, The British Royal family. Othello & Desdemona( you see what i did there?) Please dont reply, am informed they are fictional characters.

My point here is simple. We all emanate from the same source, even though we may stand aback in awe of the stupidity of some people, the callousness and sheer hatred of others. But aren't those issues of character? nature over nurture??

The elephant in the room is this: if you were a self proclaimed racist, or Muslim extremist, and your child needed a blood transfusion or the doctor providing the medical care to your very loved one was from a background you despised,.. Would you accept their donation or help?
Now look at your fingers and tell me that despite their differences we are not all the same skin deep.
So, why do we judge people by our own expectation??
I say get a grip.

Londres mai 16,2012
Remember: running water ~exfoliates

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

So you thought you had broken me?

So you thought you had broken me?
So you thought you had broken me?

Thought you had me beat?

Thought I would wither and fade?
Thought I would just die?

How wrong you were!!!
I have seen harder times
And returned unscathed
I have been beyond
And seen
The awesome power of my God
I will survive
Not because you wished me ill
Nor because mine was yours to take
But because I love you
I love you beyond all reasonable doubt
I find in every step you take a yearning to be free
To learn how I still smile
Despite my pains and my travails
Despite pangs of love unrequited
Yet I survive
I wield the power
I hold sway
Am restrained in the face of provocation
I am noble, of noble stock and heritage
this is no happenstance
there are no precursors!
I remain
I remain calm
Despite or inspite?
Without or within?
I remain
In the face of provocation
I tolerate, and I am tolerant
Am inspired, I don’t conspire
Or perspire
Am unbowed
But,.. what?
You thought you had me beat?
You thought you had broken me?
But you never considered for a moment,…
That I knew,….
I knew where I was coming from
I knew where I had been
And now I know where I belong

R’h2o – the essence of life, a gift returned, only one question can you submit? where is your faith?

Monday, 14 May 2012

shared spirits

Am desperately looking for reasons not to love you
But with every day that passes by
Makes your love harder to escape
I try with all my might not to see you
                But with every quaking moment
                  I yearn and feel you
          In every whisper I hear your voice
            And the pangs of moments spent with you
                   disturbs my equilibrium
I look for balance in a shaky world
And your love lifts my spirits
                                                                       Am torn between loves desires
And desired love
By social stigma
And self-held dogma
Maycud your love resolve?

Remember: running water – flows thru every nook, finds its path and destiny


Sometimes I wonder what if we swopped continents and countries. What if Africa swopped continent with Europe. Pretty much like the exchange student program. You know the one. I come and live your life for 3 months and you go and live mine. Instead, his time unlike the period of slave trade, we actually agreed a swop program for 25 years. We literally swopped nations. Some might say its a fair equation when considering the extent of abuse, rape and pillage Africa has experienced in its time and am not talking about the whites here!!! I am talking post independent African countries.

My gut feelings,.... 
What do you think? 
My gut feelings,.... I think in less than 10 years of the 25, Africans would have decimated the European continent. There would be no infrastructures, working water, sewage, food, transportation, national health service, little or no meaningful trade with our neighbours and there would certainly be wars. 
However, on the African continent newly occupied by Europeans,...all would be In great working order. Learning from their extensive knowledge of technology,..they would implement far reaching programs that would ensure every citizen maximised their potential. 
Isn't it ironic,...Africans would be looking to sneak back into a continent they once owned but abused. The Caucasian on the other hand would eventually have all they had always desired. They could have staycations as the sun would be there,..they would harvest the sun to provide a natural heat and energy source to power their vehicles, homes and lifestyles. There may be no need to colonise Mars!!! Imagine,...all within a generation. 
Makes you think sometimes about the nature of human beings. These scenarios are not one humans need to imagine. They are here and real. As the earths natural resources face depletion, the battleground are being marked. Some call it neo colonialism,..I call it entirely something else. I prefer the term inhumanity
The scenarios I predicted are not entirely impossible. But the my question is this,... Why is it that daily over 2,000 children die simply for lack of water, food and the most basic essential that are God given,..whilst in the west we wallow in decadence and our daily battles are the Dow jones, Nasdaq,.... Where is our sense of purpose and brotherly love. The facts are,..earths natural resources are depleting in the industrialised west and stockpiling and reserves are the order of the day. Africa and other parts of the world,..i.e Afghanistan are the battlegrounds of tomorrow. Many educated people ask themselves, what is the obsession with Afghanistan. Is it really the Taliban?...Islam or Muslim extremist??? The answer lies deeper in what China/America and Great Britain are hoping to achieve in these regions. 
But I digress,..let me take you back to the swop scenarios. We haven't actually swopped and are not likely to ever do so,... But, does something sound and look familiar to you? Look around you,..what's happened to our schools, hospitals, health care, trade, infrastructures, education, energy,and respect for the elderly? Yes, right here in the UK. Where is the trade with our neighbours? Markets are daily crashing, there is disagreement on the way forward. The richer are getting richer and the governments answer to redeem the hopeless situation is: make cut backs that affect the poorest and most vulnerable. But you know something,..there isn't a single African in sight in the government of the west!!!

Remember: runningwater cannot be silenced it speaks for the unheard!
baku 150512@01:41