Get A Grip
Why do we always judge people by our own expectations? Why do we set limits to possible attainments? In the Yoruba language they have a saying: ika o dogba ( translated, it roughly means the digits of your hand aren't equal) by this we can see that the digits of the hand reside side by side in perfect harmony. Each contributing to the useful existence of the hand. None, more important than the other. We have some that are tall, slim, short etc,... But yet none holding more sway than the other. With this simplest example of God almighty's gift to us, it makes me ponder why as human beings we suffer issues of racism, prejudice, classism, religious and sexual intolerance and any of the other isisms. The list is endless.
Ask yourself this simple question,...out of your 5 digits, which would you sacrifice if requested? Am figuring the answer would be none? Yes, atimes you get the prima donna, (the wedding ring finger) assuming diva status simply because it wears the band. But right next door is the f... U! Finger, internationally recognised. Go figure. I say get a grip!
The basis of my discourse is that I want to examine the ongoing issue of: inter racial relationships. Some liken it unfortunately to bovril. Yes, bovril! You either like it or you don't. In the media recently we have witnessed the vitriolic response to that rather quick footed Jamaican Usain Bolt and his choice of partner.
The arguments are that most successful field niggers aspire to be household niggers.
This coming essentially from the plantation period of America slaveploitation. In that period, dark skinned negros worked the fields and mated where and when it was decided by "massa"(old negro term for the slave master) whilst household negroes waited on the "massa" in the mansion. Sometimes at close quarters to the massa's alleged desirable white womenfolks. Whilst the massa made nightly visits to the most buxom and attractive of the field negresses, forcing, raping and violently abusing these women., whilst externally wearing the cloak of respectability. The massa's wife knew what her husband was doing. She wasn't blind!. She had desires the massa could not fulfil and desire for the strong field negro grew. So she indulged, she made nightly visits. She found the experience enthralling, carnal and without boundaries. The massa had been cuckolded!
Some say, this mentality exist today and it's what draws most successive black men to desire a white woman. They say it's the reason why the UK is the most racially mixed nation in the world. But in my somewhat perverse example above, we not learn that the core of human existence is love and desire. You desire that which you cannot have, and have that which is readily available.
Get a grip!
Whilst I accept that to some, having a sexual experience or indeed a life experience with someone other than your identified skin colour may be seen as an issue of triumphant success. I completely disagree. I have walked both sides of this path and I know it takes a lot more than colour to determine who you will run life's endurance race with.
It's too simple an argument, to say its all about colour preference. To say so would be an injustice to President Obama, Robert De Niro, General Colin Powell, Sir Trevor McDonald, The British Royal family. Othello & Desdemona( you see what i did there?) Please dont reply, am informed they are fictional characters.
My point here is simple. We all emanate from the same source, even though we may stand aback in awe of the stupidity of some people, the callousness and sheer hatred of others. But aren't those issues of character? nature over nurture??
The elephant in the room is this: if you were a self proclaimed racist, or Muslim extremist, and your child needed a blood transfusion or the doctor providing the medical care to your very loved one was from a background you despised,.. Would you accept their donation or help?
Now look at your fingers and tell me that despite their differences we are not all the same skin deep.
So, why do we judge people by our own expectation??
I say get a grip.
Londres mai 16,2012
Remember: running water ~exfoliates
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