Monday, 23 July 2012

When is Corruption, Not Corruption?

Ans: Only when its in the West.
Bear with me. Over the last few months, we have listened mouth agape and in awe at the revelations of the * bankers fixing the lending rates( am not going to bore you with the small details of each issues) * The issue at Barclays where its been discovered they have been money laundering for known drug cartel, Al Queda etc * This follows fast on the heels of the telephone tapping at the news of the world * illegal payment to our metropolitan police * The cash for questions/ visits to downing street * The MP’s expense accounts * The Quango’s – this is where the old boy school tie network give jobs to friends on exorbitant salaries for attending only 3/5 times a year. * MP’s employing relatives * National Reality TV Shows fixing shows. Can I stress at this point that all these examples are just allegations. 
They are my observations.

I find it pretty rich that in the West, issues similar to these noted on the African continent and in South America are often frowned upon and unequivocally called CORRUPT. Why are these same principle not applied to what is essentially theft in the West. What’s more bewildering is that these bastions of investigative truth finding, Journalist are just as corrupted. Can we really expect them to expose the majority of the examples given above?
Over the last few weeks, each of the accused merely  responded by apologising and or resigning.

Yet, if I walked into a branch of Tesco’s and left without paying. Upon being accosted by the security guard, I merely apologised, not even offering to return the item. I think you and I know what would happen to me!

All my earlier examples have led to huge losses by those directly involved. Ordinary tax paying citizens. Yet, my examples simply say sorry! However, we are up in arms when we hear of the Nigerian 419 scams. We accuse the government of that country of being corrupt and unable to control these issues. Afterall, it’s a blight on our society.

Am I missing something?

My Bugs bears: 
When people talking about themselves use the phrase: “me, myself”
Oh really, guess what buddy, if you are talking about yourself, it’s quite obvious that I may have worked out you mean: YOU!!! Hence, you do not need to say, “me, myself” The second bug bear is when people say: I, personally work,… 
Aaaarrrghhhrrr!!  Doesn’t this just get you hot??

Remember: Runningwater is multi use, wash with it, drink it and at birth are anointed with it.
Any observations made here are my own and only an attempt to understand the world in which I live.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

So there I was

So there I was 
standing on the edge of despair 
Fluent in the language of failure 
Seemingly predictively unorganised
In the throws of human weakness and inanity 
Versed in the chapters of lust over life 
My very being rich in the transient pleasure of ignorance 
Like flat palm wine on a hot day 
No pleasure did I receive from drinking this cup
 So there I was,... 
Inspite of Or despite? 
Words fail me, 
I lack composure  
Structure, lexis and tense 
I mix verbs and nouns  
Adjectives and whatever else!

my inevitable demise 
When we sleep, do we sleep?  Or are we merely transposed ? 
When we are awake, are we awake ? or are we asleep in ignorant bliss? 
Yet I fail to react 
I fail to break ground, to find definition 
Like flat palm wine on a hot day
No pleasure did I receive from drinking this cup 
Who wants to know? ,...only those who care to ask 
So there I was 
,.... this is for you 
Today you entered my thoughts
Grabbed me by my proverbial and made me realise that we all face daily challenges 
And are often judged by our peers who have no right to make such judgements
You gathered me in like a gardener clearing the first offerings of autumn 
You offered me fresh perspective  
And inspired in me hope. 
I love you beyond mere words can tell 
Am inspired by your frailties and lifted by your innocence 
I love it that you are contrary to the given views 
And in standing alone, you are never alone 
So there I was 
Seemingly on the edge of despair 
Fluent in the language of failure 
Like flat palm wine on a hot day 
No pleasure have I derived from drinking this cup 
I was running on empty
But then you came 
Offered me the coolness of your gaze  
The deafening roar of your silence 
And like cool cold palm wine on a hot day  I am drunk with your love 
for fatema, inspiration
"Allahoma ini la asaloka radda al kada, walakini asaloka allotfa fih"

  Remember ~ runningwater never sleeps, runs wide, runs deep, it's a source of life. 01072012@ 07.18