Tuesday, 13 November 2012

John Terry Revisited ~ A delicious irony???

If someone said to you several years ago that a white boy who's best mates are mostly black would be found not guilty of racially abusing Anton Ferdinand in a British court of law,with dodgy evidence supplied by one notorious Ashley Cole. A man of sterling qualities (hahahaha)
Wait, there is a question in this piece!!!

If you were told that this same JT would be found guilty by The FA because he did actually admit using racial epithets, banned for only 4 games and fined the equivalent of a weeks wages £200k or so.
If you were told this same JTwould literally run into another notorious footballer of Uruguayan extraction found guilty of racially abusing a certain Patrice Evra and banned for 8 games on very little evidence. 

Would you not call it a delicious irony?

JT maybe out for the season and Saurez unhurt. Suarez, he of the silky football skills, a very good footballer albeit with a penchant for swan diving. 
Isn't it a delicious irony that these sterling characters should meet in such circumstances and one meets out the true punishment we all must experience when we feel we can use fancy lawyers and lies to cover our shortcomings?
You get my drift,... We eventually pay for our misdeeds.

Imagine, if JT had come out at the time of the incidence with Anton and just said: look, I said certain things, it was in the heat of the battle. Am sorry, as a man and role model to kids this is unacceptable. If he had followed it up with an apology to the Ferdinand brothers, England may still have 2 super centre backs now.
It was a delicious irony that those two fellas should meet at Chelsea by accident, one paying and getting his cumuppence and the other the justified plaudits as one of the finest footballers these shores will ever see. 

Remember; runningwater is taken in copious amounts by footballers to restore lost energy. Let it be the from the fountain of truth.

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