Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Body - 2nd Part of our emotional health check discourse

Body: 2nd part of our emotional health check program.
In the first part we took a look at the need for an emotional health check. In this continuing piece we are going to examine  further the links.

We should conduct a health care examination on all parts of our body. If you like, similar to a vehicles MOT. However, with the body we cannot do this annually or our bodies would simply not pass the test.  Lets begin by marvelling on how wonderful the human body is. It's power of regeneration, it's resourcefulness. How it withstands abuse from the elements, and it's proprietor. 

We abuse it with poor diet, lack of exercise and our inhibitions. We need to conduct a bodily MOT at least every 3 months. Starting with an immediate visit to the doctor for a thorough examination. Once given the clearance, we need to engage in a good diet regime. This should include eating whatever you like but in moderation and often during the day. However, if you don't feel hungry, don't just eat for eating sake. Little secret- the body will never let you starve. The body has inbuilt life defenses. It's built to preserve itself and will send you signals if its hungry and require food. Forget all these diet plans, I've tried them all and concluded : however did man survive without diet plans!!! Answer: they did as they are not required. 

When I say eat what you like, I mean within reason. It should include a healthy helping of a combination of vegetables, fruits and cabs. And always drink water for its healing power. The human body is made up of many parts of water and we cannot live without it. Give alcohol and smoking the elbow. There are better ways of contributing to the treasury whilst not killing yourself.

The next is EXERCISE. No, you don't have to be the next Mo Farah, but you can help the body in a variety of ways. If able you can partake in any sport where you can participate to a good competitive standard. The idea is to get the heart rate up and pumping. 15 - 30 minutes is all thats required daily. For example if you were a keen footballer but cannot play competitively anymore. You could engage in "walking football". Similarly, if you are at home, you could simply decide to walk up and down the stairs 5/10 times to get your 15 minutes of exercise. Alternatively, you could go out for a brisk walk. Not having the money to join a gym should not be an excuse for not exercising. All around you are open spaces, parks, where you could walk, cycle or just take in the fresh air. 

The body in its peak form does suffer setbacks which we cannot do anything about. However, lets not help it along the road to deterioration. With the body's health care check, we are able to partake and with emphasis on pleasure for all participants in sexual pursuits with our partners. Our bodies finely tuned and oiled to perform at an adequate or excellent level according to our abilities. We are also able to stride thru life's daily challenges.

It's remarkable how our bodies are built, all cognitive parts in tune with each other. However, it all starts with the "will to achieve" Our will is the strongest thing we have in life and often is the decider between failure and success. Only with a strong will and discipline can we even begin to have a strong body. 

In the times we live in, we are combating daily atmospheric poison, contaminated food and poor diet. We ought to be careful what we put in our bodies. With a good body we are rewarded with the ability to help others who are less fortunate. 

PS: In the final part of our discourse we shall examine spirituality  and connect the dots to our piece on having an emotional health check.

Remember: runningwater compensates and rewards.
0200hrs 270113.

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