The things they say
does not reach me anymore
the naysayers,
the doubters, the mud-pie slingers
no more do I listen to their idle gossip
nor to their wails
and pretense of love
love you one minute
hate you the next!
their useless attempt at emotional blackmail
the drama of it all!
The things they say no longer moves me to rage
No more
Do the things they say reach me
These things only inspire me
They soar me to new heights
Its often borne of jealousy and self loathing
Desperate and loathsome
I cut them off at the core
I remain untouched
I do not even pity them
Theirs is a voice in the wilderness
Remaining unheard
Solid remains my stance
Stoic remains my resolve
Remember: running water seeks only the truth, questions the motives and examines the answers
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