..,when the rain falls it don’t fall on one man’s house top
( Robert Nestor Marley )
Funny isn’t it that most people think that all white people love the snow and that all black people love the sunshine.Yet when the snow came down the other day it fell on everyone’s house. It didn’t know if the inhabitant of the house were black or white. I noticed as the snow fell, moods darkened because one couldn’t get to work, nor start the car but moods cheered as schools were cancelled, one could work from home eat apple pie and drink latte’s.
You could see from the cheeky smiles of young children enjoying the moment on sledges, bombing down hedges all care thrown to the wind. Nobody stopped to think about the colour of the sledgers. All around us the white powder kept us enthralled as it filled our lives from the very top of our homes to the bottom of our gardens. No need for the gardener this week!
I think we need to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. The crux of my argument is that within us lies the ability to overcome prejudice, racial discrimination, homophobia, ageism and any other isms! Just like the powdered stuff covered our pitiful little life’s over the last couple of days and brought us to a standstill, a moment of appreciation of Gods greater glory. The pause in our lives gave us the chance to examine what was important.
Family. We were forced by this act of God to endure each other’s company. Talk over real issue’s that work and school lifestyle get in the way of. The family of the human race, all people who slept and shivered through the cold snap, the darkened evening. We come through these things. As night pass to day and day to night. We have a chance to see beyond the skin that covers our bones. Just like underneath the white powdered stuff, we were vulnerable, hopeful, brave, ecstatic, thankful. Those things you thought you just couldn’t live without doing,..isnt it funny how that become unimportant when a pause enters your life.
Underneath it all, we are all the same.
Arent we?
Remember: runningwater cannot be stopped. Its all life fulfilling, true and just.
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