Monday 19 December 2011

False Dawn!

Its with mild amusement that I look upon the issue of the on-going problems with the Euro-zone. The Euro, an admirable and a-times much maligned currency of a group of European nations was essentially brought in to bring balance, parity and union in economics, providing somewhat, a powerful economic trading bloc for all members. However, like most member of a family, we all have differing outlook on life and how we see our fortunes and our future. A family consist of a mother and father( France & Germany) if you will. With all the sibling vying for attention. Most educated people will already see the flaw in the initial gambit.
Once, where you needed a suitcase full of Lira to buy a loaf of bread. Or parcel full of Peseta to buy a Paella, you could now do everything with the Euro in all member countries. Most common people, myself included believed and bought into this new exchange rate mechanism. A power-house of economic union that was going to see off the likes of America and developing economies in South America and Asia. Hello!
The Elephant in the room, which all these policy makers forgot to monitor is that the union should be based upon stringent, equitable and balanced fiscal policies. The very nature of which a free market economy does not support. Keeping it simple, we should all be retiring at the same age, paying around the same tax and keeping a summary GDP. However, what we got instead was each member nation playing what I call the classic game of charade. In Greece, a country loaded with government employee’s and little fiscal monitoring policies, what we got was individual buying new cars instead of saving for that rainy day. In Portugal & Ireland, it was not much better. Spain & Portugal went on an unsustainable real estate expansionist program and toxic lending which summarily came home to roost. I hear you ask about mom & dad! ( France & Germany ) Lend me your ear. In these two nations, there is more of a culture of savings and working to live rather than living to work. They save, in the UK we don’t, we don’t even really plan for our retirement. Over 75% of people in the UK do not understand fiscal planning, GDP or what the government is really doing with our hard paid taxes.
I began my piece by saying it is with mild amusement I look upon,….. What I was trying to get to is that, even now government of the west with the crisis in which we find ourselves are merely masking over the issue. The truth is: With technology, there are no real jobs anymore. We have more leisure time as human beings. In some Westernised nations, we have become essentially a consumer society. We produce nothing. A service nation can only provide shelter for the movement of money. There was a time money actually had creditable spine behind the trade. We are led to believe we need to work longer to provide for our future, but where are the jobs? University student have no upward mobility as the older people who should be stepping aside for them to enter the work force are holding on dearly to their jobs for fear of being unable to meet daily liabilities. Training such as apprenticeship no longer exist, we have work-shy and feral youths who only want to be famous, our hero’s are no longer our hard-working parents.
What the politicians and our leaders really need to address is: where is the love?
Where is the love for fellow human-beings? While we worry about not being able to afford a 3D TV, in some parts of the world the daily question is: what do I eat today, and where am I going to get my next meal or drink-able water. I watch and wonder as people consume bottled water supplied by Evian. Have you ever considered what evian reads at when read backwards? Yes, it spells: NAÏVE.
We are naïve to think we can keep violating this planet without consequence. We have to address the truth that there really isn’t work for all our people anymore. We have to help bring fellow human’s in less disadvantaged countries to parity, without cost. I can say these things because I am not a politician and do not need your vote. Many admirable people selflessly work for this end and they know the reality of all our future’s is the common ground of universal and global human parity.
Remember: These ranting are the work of a stable mind which has no affiliation with any political or economic bodies. I am a universal soldier of Allah.Peace be upon his name.
Remember: running-water cannot be stopped, it always find a way.
NB: if there is a specific topic you would like me to share my thoughts on, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Saturday 8 October 2011

My Unshakeable Belief In Allah!

Four months ago I began my journey in Islam. The religion I was practising had failed me. It offered me no restitude from questions which troubled me. You see, I was a Catholic Christian.
I watched and listened as the Pope would not allow contraception. Contraception, which would reduce the spread of Aids in Third world countries.
I watched and listened as the Pope would not allow contraception in The Phillipines a deeply religious Catholic country. Some women in this country have up to 10 children. They are usually women on the extreme edge of poverty.
I also watched and listened as Catholics in the West would engage in all manners of sexual deviance, pornography, and then hypocritically go to Confession. “ forgive me father for I have sinned,…” You know the drill. “That’s okay my son, your sins are forgiven, take 40 Hail Mary’s and 20 Our fathers” For JC died for our sins.
This last bit threw me finally over the cliff.
Almighty Allah saved me! I did not find Islam, Islam found me!
In the third world, where poverty is endemic, faith is at a feverish level. People believe so fervently because to get out of poverty there has to be faith, right?
So, they listen.
When the Pope said : Do not use condoms for protection. No sex! They are not pretentious as the educated elite that are Catholic. They do whatever,…go to confession and are absolved of their sins. Lastly, it seemed to me the Pope occupied too much of an elevated position. So marked, that people forget the lessons of JC.
I am Moslem ( meaning simply:- those that submit ) My faith gives me direction, love and free will to commune directly with Allah. I do not need someone to help me speak to Allah. I go direct. He has even made things really simple for me. He has asked only for one thing,…complete submission! Since Allah is my creator and knows everything about me. I am nothing without him. Alluha Wakba!
Every time I bow my head in supplication to Allah, I am at peace. I feel complete. I try to be a good Moslem and every day I am enriched in my journey in Islam, Alhamdollilah. Those who cast judgement on my choice without understanding my motive and my faith, do so based on their perception of what one ought to be.
Allah sees all our faults, but also sees all the good we do. Anyone calling themselves Moslem cannot but have anything but love in their heart. Those who kill and maim in the name of Islam are no better than the leader of the faith I left behind. How a man like all of us that has never witnessed the life of the ordinary can make proclamations that affect the life of so many is beyond me.
I can testify that my faith in Allah makes me complete as I am nothing without him.
Remember Runningwater is a life source.
Thoughts contained here are my own, I belong to no sect nor follow any radical movements. May Allah be praised.

Friday 5 August 2011

Afrique Mon Afrique - David Diop

frique mon Afrique
Afrique des fiers guerriers dans les savanes ancestrales
Afrique que me chantait ma grand-mère
Au bord de son fleuve lointain
Je ne t’ai jamais connue
Mais mon regard est plein de ton sang
Ton beau sang noir à travers les champs répandu
Le sang de ta sueur
La sueur de ton travail
Le travail de l’esclavage
L’esclavage de tes enfants
Afrique dis-moi Afrique
Est-ce donc toi ce dos qui se courbe
Et se couche sous le poids de l’humilité
Ce dos tremblant à zébrures rouges
Qui dit oui au fouet sur les routes de midi
Alors gravement une voix me répondit
Fils impétueux cet arbre robuste et jeune
Cet arbre là -bas
Splendidement seul au milieu de fleurs blanches et fanées
C’est l’Afrique ton Afrique qui repousse
Qui repousse patiemment obstinément
Et dont les fruits ont peu à peu
L’amère saveur de la liberté.
David Diop ~ we remember you
This poem resonates in my life amid the hope that one day Africa will truly rise.( je taime )
remember: running water is always current.
frica my Africa
Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs
Africa of whom my grandmother sings
On the banks of the distant river
I have never known you
But your blood flows in my veins
Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields
The blood of your sweat
The sweat of your work
The work of your slavery
Africa, tell me Africa
Is this your back that is unbent
This back that never breaks under the weight of humiliation
This back trembling with red scars
And saying no to the whip under the midday sun
But a grave voice answers me
Impetuous child that tree, young and strong
That tree over there
Splendidly alone amidst white and faded flowers
That is your Africa springing up anew
Springing up patiently, obstinately
Whose fruit bit by bit acquires
The bitter taste of liberty.

Thursday 14 July 2011

can death be sleep, when life is but a dream

Can death be sleep when life is but a dream

And scenes of buss pass as a phantom by?

The transcient pleasures as a vision seem

And yet we think the greatest pains to die

How strange it is that man on earth should roam

And lead a life of woe, but not forsake

His rugged path, nor dare he view alone

His future doom, which is but to awake

- keats

Thursday 16 June 2011

The Great Chinese Takeaway

I, like most people have developed a taste for Chinese food and used to order it, enjoy it and found myself becoming addicted to it. Gradually I began to wean myself off the attraction. What I discovered was that although I enjoyed the food it gave me nothing back in return. Then I remembered, I had never seen a fat Chinese person.
Stay with me!
No matter the quantity of this food one ate, you never got anything back in return. Yes the food was tasty and palatable but by design, it’s made to keep you un-sated and dependent.
I made a conscious decision to return to my known and trusted African food like,..Eba, fufu, pounded yam, efo riro, egusi, gbegiri,okro, jollof rice,…hmmn yummy!
I think you get my drift.
You see, when I ate the African way, its guaranteed satisfaction, tasty, palatable and made you sated. In comparison to the Great Chinese Takeaway, there was no competition. African food always!
Today in several African countries our Governments have welcomed in the “Great Chinese Takeaway” hereafter known as “GCT” From Nigeria to Niger, Mali to Mauritius, Burkina Faso to Benin, Cote d Voire to Cotonou. East to West, South to Central. The “GCT” is evident. Our Governments have welcomed in the “GCT”.
It’s a Greek Tragedy for this particular observer. Its akin to the Greeks bearing gifts.
Wiser men than me have made the same observation.
Virgil’s Aeneid, book 2, 19BC: ‘do not trust the horse, Trojans. Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts’.
Sophocles (496-406 BC) in Ajax: ‘nought from the Greeks hath sped well’. So now I find that ancient proverb truer foes. ‘gifts are no gifts: profit they none.
This particular proverb leads me nicely to two others, our African leaders should observe: ‘ A fool and his money are soon parted’ ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a good cure’
The time to observe the above proverbs is now for us in Africa. When I say that the ‘GCT’ has arrived in Africa and like their food, does not sustain your appetite, nor fulfils your ambition to be well fed.
The Chinese are in Africa in a huge way. They are constructing our roads, schools, infrastructures, hospitals and government buildings, and even entire cities! What they offer is the elixir of instant gratification. However, on closer inspection what we are getting in Africa is China’s own solution to its unemployment problem. Under the guise of supplying expert professionals, the majority of the workers sent from China have been discovered to be ex-prisoners, offenders or felons who are offered the opportunity to serve their term by working in Africa on projects which really only benefits the Chinese economy. Instead of doing jail term!
Would a felon be so lucky!
Superb, I hear some of you say. But how is this benefitting Africa? Africa has high graduate unemployment, skilled unemployment, and yet these jobs being created on African soil are not being offered to Africans! In reality, what they get is the harsh labour aspect and menial aspect of these jobs. The GCT come with their own workers, living in safe and exclusive neighborhoods. Good schools, great infrastructures and level of development. There is a misconception that the constructions are of superior quality. However, in the GCT’s own backyard there have been instances of constructions collapsing due to use of inferior materials.
It wouldn’t be bad if we were paying peanuts and hence getting monkeys. What Africa is paying is ‘Top Dollar’ and I just don’t mean money. I mean in the digression of its people. Our own people are being denied jobs created from African wealth by African tax payers. University graduates are leaving Uni without prospect of work, yet an already burgeoning economy gets fatter thru its “lean and mean” economic foreign policy. Bravo, for fuckin China! The GCT, it makes me sick. Our leaders in Africa with their slavish mentality and lack of foresight- long known by the educated elite as ‘educated illiterates’ constantly make the same mistakes.
By all means have Foreign experts, but it should be covenanted to full and comprehensive training for our Engineers, graduates, and blue collar workers to provide full enablement. Send back the Chinese felons as we have enough of those in Africa. We should train our own felons on the Chinese model to give back to the community which they have offended. In the west, Africans and in particular Nigerians are known for the 419 scam. While not condoning these acts, one can understand why it’s done, when there are no choices for survival.
The GCT come to Africa to build our infrastructures,.. yada! yada! But they take away from the continent its wealth. The money from the contracts awarded do not stay in Africa. It’s a new form of colonialism as observed recently by America’s Foreign Secretary Hilary Rodham Clinton. When you consider children as young as 4 or 5 are used to find the quartz and elements used in our cell phones and fancy electronic gadgetry. These children are paid less than 20p a day for these heinous tasks, at times descending 20 to 50 feet into cracks and fissures in the earth. Highly dangerous with the earth moving and trapping these children. This is happening right now in central African countries.
The GCT.
African poverty and development breeds certain necessity but it should not be at the cost of African lives, propagating what is essentially slavery. Neo Colonialism if you will.
Some might argue that Africa needs this structured development, but I ask you, at what price? Might we need an African version of the ‘Arab Spring’. ‘An African Spring’? Disenchanted African youths are leaving Africa in droves and guess where they are heading,…?
Unfortunately China is too far for Africans to besiege en-masse in return for the current rape of Africa. We need to be careful of the ‘Great Chinese Takeaway’ it does exactly what it says on the tin. Takes away Africa’s future.
Runningwater cannot be stopped – it’s a shining light on truth: observations made here are independent observations. I represent nobody nor am I affiliated to anyone.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

To Vote or not to Vote?

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
- William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
The YES or NO vote on the question of the Alternative Vote system is really a non-starter. In all my days I never imagined I would find myself where Dave call me “Dave” Con-some-One (Cameron) and myself shared common ground!
To vote Yes would be tantamount to allowing a small and non-inclusive party such as the Lib-Dems into power. A party willing to say whatever sounds nice to gather popular opinion, never really expecting to gain power. We see what this can lead to. Key election policies are reneged upon, under the guise of compromise. Truth is that policies expounded by such minority parties were never workable in the first place. A key example is: The Lib-Dems tuition fee debacle! For even the possibility of the AV system to work there would have to be an obligation for everyone to vote. Even then, we still have to trust our politicians to fulfil obligations set by their electors once in power. Under whatever system we have, most of our policies are set by negotiations among the men in grey suits with little more than self-serving interest at heart.
If it aint broke don’t fix it! There isn’t anything wrong with the current first past the post system in place. What is wrong is voter apathy. We are fed up of being lied to, no matter the system. I could write a dissertation on broken promises and falsehood used by our Leaders of whatever mast to justify their actions and what level of deceit they will engage upon to cover their proverbial ass!
Teflon Tony comes to mind: with Saddam Husseins weapons of mass distraction. This took us into an unnecessary war in Iraq. Truth is: it was more Tone’s hysteria of mass distraction!
The real question that needs addressing is why are voter numbers down, year on year, whilst the voting figures continue to rise on come dance with me and BGT. Voting and the right to vote is something that many people have died for, over the age. It should be made compulsory like the TV licence and enforced. I don’t really watch BBC television but yet am made to pay a yearly licence fee. I don’t always like the candidates in election times, but knowing they could be ousted by sheer number of voter turn-out would make them think thru policy detail.
Word to the wise: Give the AV-a big –NO come May 5th!
Remember: Runningwater is a fulfiller of life.

Monday 28 March 2011

I know where I'm going!

I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want. Consider the following; We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of actions of others. We survive here, in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others. We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have failed the task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Love yourself and each other.
( I stole this and thought I oughtta share,... ) these words are inspirational!
Remember: runningwater cannot be stopped,....has a character second to none.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Follow The Money

Many have been asking when will the trauma in the Middle East end. In my blog a month or so back I wrote that we should be careful what we wish for. For often the things we wish for, far outstrips our expectations. In the last few months we have seen the movement for democratic inclusion wash over the regions of Tunisia, Egypt,Yemen,Bharain, and latterly Libya. We have had murmurings in Saudi Arabia. In the west we see democracy as the foremost form of government. Better than any other system. Superior if you will.
My argument is that the western form of democracy may not be suited to all regions of the world. On closer inspection of the region of China we see that within a generation due to the hard-line of the indigenous government on self- reliance and sacrifice, China has become the world’s first economy. Whilst the wanton waste of the West has led in many countries to double-dip economies.
Wait,.. there is a method to my madness. Our argument regarding democracy is essentially about equality, liberty and fairness. The ability to achieve self –reliance without fear of prejudice, be it racial or economic. We strive to mimic a uniformity whilst trying to hold dear our individuality. Is it possible? In the West, we encourage so called democracy whilst exporting arms, we restrict trade equality by providing subsidy protection to our home grown traders. We have trade blocs that makes things impossible for the so-called third world to compete in the arena of supply and demand.
The elephant in the room is: If we are truly encouraging democracy around the world as enjoyed by the West, who shall we sell our wares to if these new democracies achieve self-sustainance? This is why I argued in previous blogs that we ought to be careful what we wish for. It’s a double edged sword. If developing countries were to achieve parity with the West? ( an altogether foolish question) A world malaise would surely be the outcome. Western democracy comes hand in hand with Capitalism and with Capitalism comes inequality, greed and social inequality. Is that what the world is striving for?
Do we need a re-think?
When I say follow the money. I mean it. In any theater of conflict or supposed good, if you follow the money, the crux of any issue is often glaringly revealed. On the question of why isn’t more being done by the west on the Libyan crisis,..its because the economies of the West have no money to fund a regime change, what with most of the economies being in the mire. Cameron/Sarkozy and Merkel are paying lip service to helping with the issues. And for America, its sufficiently far away to be involved. They cannot afford and would ideally prefer the status quo to remain in place. They just can’t say it in public. Secretly, they know that the devil you know is better than the one which is yet to be revealed. A question in point is the Iraqi experience. Would the people of Iraq have preferred with hindsight, for Saddam to remain in power but with encouraged move towards a moderated middle east version of democracy. Am sure retrospectively, the west would admit the cost of the Iraqi experience wasn’t worth the eventual outcome. Am not talking about oil or money now. Am talking about lives!
The same mistake I fear is being made in Afghanistan. The focus of the world I fear is misplaced. Our planet, our world is ill. Statistician will and can use their art to prove any incident but one cannot look at these incidents:Sept 11th (NY), Jan 11th(Haiti),March 11th(Japan) and think there isn’t a bigger picture? Is there?
Remember: runningwater cannot be stopped, gives, it takes, it fuels, it fulfils.
Views expressed here are my own and I represent only myself. Views are not based on any particular facts but my personal observation of the prevailing winds.

Friday 4 February 2011

After The Love Has Gone

After The Love Has Gone
Love is the only thing we need. Nothing else matters if this is absent in your relationship. You might try to stay together for the children, but what if the children have grown and flown the nest, what if you have no children, what if as statistically shown, couples in their early thirties have drifted. Recent statistics shows that 3 percent of women haven’t had any sex in a year and 2.5% of men haven’t had sex in a year. Somebody somewhere is lying. Interestingly, the statistic shows that its often women that no longer want sex. Yeah, I hear you shouting that a relationship is a lot more than physical contact! Men only want sex and women want to make love. But, what’s a man to do when his woman tells him she has gone off physical contact. First she withdraws the sexual contact, then the emotional contact, intimacy, laughter and eventually frienship. What is she trying to say. I don’t know, could it be something like if your woman turns vegan, does that pretty much mean that you become one. When your partner says am not really into sex anymore is she condemning you to a life of no physical contact or is she giving you a get you out of jail card? By this I mean the option to explore sexual contact with another. If she only wants the companionship, she could have it while you explore your sexual urge with another. Surely, this is the most suitable option for all concerned. By no means am I saying this should apply or apply only in favour of men. Shouldn’t it be the policy when either partner withdraws emotional and sexual contract. No, I didn’t make a mistake here. I meant emotional and sexual contract. Surely when you marry someone, you make a commitment and a contract to satisfy each other emotionally, physically, thru thick and thin, for better or worse! When all these things are absent there can only be sadness, emotional loneliness and chocolate.
What can be done after the love has gone?
Can it be repaired, salvaged, would you want to? Should one return down a mis-trodden path? Never more than before has it been more important to be in Love and to love who you are with. Its all that matters. Many have replaced their relationship with the Iphone (this is my observation, not a general view held or statistically proven ). Rather than pay attention to their partners, they spend their time checking interactive camera’s on the Apps of their phone. This in itself tells you a story, a clear message that the partner is no longer interested and doesn’t care. If you are living a single life within a marriage or a lonely life within a marriage,…it is time to spice it up or ship out. What a waste of time. Does the answer lie within all of us? Many more people in their early thirties have known the marriage or relationship is over but continue for the sake of children, mortgage, security, but not for LOVE! They discover in their forties that it has been a waste of time and beyond repair. This is shown in the increasing numbers of over forties seeking love in the pages of dating websites, second and third marriages.
After the love has gone, one needs to examine if the love really existed and what one considers love. Are they in the things one does for you,.. the material aspect or is it the emotional. Could you really live with the same person if they had nothing but love for you. Would the attraction be the same if you had to care for them if they got ill,..could you? Would you? Care. Everyday I see beautiful examples of love from couples who aren’t even aware they have it. How lucky.
Love is not all those idealistic rubbish we are fed in RomComs. Its in the beautiful but delirious silence shared when you are both at your most vociferous. Its that smile and warmth you feel even when they are not around, Its sitting so close even though there is ample seating. Its in the simple things shared and its in the giving.
Remember: Running water cannot be stopped,.. it always find a way

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Be careful what you wish for!

Over recent weeks we have witnessed violent demonstration in Tunisia which led to the demise of Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali has stepped down after 23 years in power as protests over economic issues snowballed into rallies against him.
Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi has taken over as interim president, and a state of emergency has been declared.
Mr Ben Ali left Tunisia with his family, and has since arrived in Saudi Arabia, officials said.
Earlier, French media said President Nicolas Sarkozy had rejected a request for his plane to land in France.
Dozens of people have died in recent weeks as unrest has swept the country and security forces have cracked down on demonstrations over unemployment, food price rises and corruption.
This movement of mass disruption, pent up frustration against regimes long considered corrupt, inept and democratically non-representative have swept from the Tunisian capital Tunis to Egypt and its capital Cairo. President Hosni Mubarak’s grip on government is looking shaky. While these movement lift the veil of hypocrisy and all its inherent faults,.. one should be careul what one wishes for!
My argument is this: what do they plan to replace these regimes with, how are the life’s of the people going to improve over time, with so much uncertainty? What do these movement mean for life in the West? And for the countries in which they are taking place. In the first instance these regions who’s mainstay of economics is Tourism, can wave goodbye to their tourist industry for the foreseeable future as it will need a lot of trust building for the foreign traveller to return. Unemployment in the region at the moment stand at an all time high. This is the reason why most of the demonstrators are on the street in the first place. But tell me, how can destroying your most prominent source of revenue be the way forward? Don’t get me wrong, I do understand the need for change. Here in the West we must encourage these demonstrators to aim for a gradual movement, for inclusive and democratic change.
Whilst most celebrate the brave steps being taken by the people in the middle- East, heaven help us all if these movement for rapid economic and welfare balance sweeps into Saudi Arabia and Syria. We would witness in the West an unbelievable increase in the price of fuel, possibility of the democratic movement being hijacked by self –serving individuals or extremist who use the beautiful religion of Islam to make the situation worse. We should be careful what we wish for!
On a positive note, the events which unfolded in Tunisia has led to a more cohesive and understanding way of dealing with the movement for democratic change in Egypt. However, these are fraught times and although the armed forces have refused to fire on Egyptians,.. there is a need to maintain law and order or the ugly monster which lurks within usually well- meaning humans will out and looting may turn into general chaos. We all understand the CHAOS theory.
When change doesn’t come as quickly as desired, this leads to scenes of ugliness and lawlessness and eventually to anarchy where only the misguided are led by the should-know-betters! This is a time for men of God ( Islamic clerics ) to work with men of foresight to ensure a smooth transition. Egypt and indeed the region in which Tunisia and all the other countries sit is a continent full of historical beauty that’s had more than it’s fair share of pain. The West needs to be proactive and help these people to find a lifestyle/work balance. What they aspire to in wanting to be like the countries of the West Is not as free as it seems. Islam plays a big part in the life’s of the people of these region and mimicking or wanting the supposed freedom of the West could only lead to social ills, drug problems, western decadence, waste and footballers being paid £160,000 a week, whilst nurses average £20,000 a year. Yes, we haven’t worked it out in the west either. ( Priority! ) Yes the grass always seems greener on the other side but you still have to mow it!
Remember: running water cannot be stopped – it’s a life giver!

Saturday 22 January 2011

I wish I was George Clooney

God I wish I was George Clooney. Tall, handsome, dashing, broody, successful, a choice of the worlds most beautiful women. Homes around the world, successful film career, TV coffee advert. He's got it all. But you know its not for all these things I hold George Clooney in awe. Its for his commitment in bringing the Sudanese question to the forefront of all our conscience. A question where many have tried, some for self generating media attention.

GC brought media focus, monetary, health, shelter, food and so much more. He stayed committed as the momentum for separation of the barren but manipulative North with the capital Khatoum from the poor, undeveloped South grew. Today, we stand on the threshold of the world newest nation as these long term opponents vote for separation. The South with no development might be and should be called Cush with possibly the new capital Juba. This new nation with its proud past was once known as bilad as-sudan ( land of the blacks ) Least we forget this nation was once the gateway for the great trans-saharan trade routes with influences under Egyptian rulers.
This new nation has no roads, water, and any development of note. I wish I was GC because I know he will stay committed to seeing these people rise from the ashes of near extinction. We have come a long way from the refugee camps of Darfur. CG has been practising what most of us preach but seldom achieve. The camps now have sheltered homes, water, healthcare. I salute you CG and wish I was you for your commitment to people you didn't have to care about. For you this wasn't a passing phase, a fad or ego-rub,... something to do!
We can all do more, the south has resources. Its our responsibility to make sure these resources are not wasted. We need to support the likes of CG to ensure corruption doesn't rob this new nation of their rightful place in the body of the world. Their past cannot be rewritten, is guaranteed in the pantheon of the world historical greatness.

Take the applause CG for no-one deserves it more than you. Life is so precious and we are only remembered for the legacy we leave and those who's life's we touch. You are a son of Africa. Africa will remember you.

Remember: Runningwater cannot be stopped, it accumulates, gathers form and build energy.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Why are there few converts to Christianity in our affluent western society?

The question above was posed in the mass literature newsletter Sunday 9th January 2011 Year A. Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. Suggestions as to the answer include: some blame today’s materialism; others say it’s because of the confusion caused by suffering and scandals. It also presupposes that Christians do not try hard enough, we fail to spread the faith. The Gospel calls for us to see Christ in others. And why do we fail to see him in ourselves as the source of our strength.
My answer is that in Western society we have always lacked faith and belief. Let me explain. When you talk to most people who neither believe nor disbelieve, their usual answer is: how can I believe in something or someone I cannot see and is not relevant to my life? Afterall, Christianity is so old and has no real relevance in todays world. The bible is only full of old stories of ancient cultures and a man who walked the earth over 2000 years ago, but we could not trace 30 odd years of his life. ( from boyhood to manhood) Just where did these missing years of Christ’s life go?
But I digress,…
Why there are few converts to Christianity in our affluent society lies in the question itself. In the times of Christ,..under the the Romans we lived in a time of wanton debauchery, consumerism, greed, irresponsibility, decadence, selfishness, oppression, Rich-Poor divide, power struggles and war. Does the picture am painting seem familiar in current times???
I have often said that no matter who you believe or don’t believe in. In times of trouble, we all call out to GOD. In Yoruba they say Olorun, others say Yehwah, Rastafari, Jehovah. Call it what you will, in times of need we tend to remember a greater being that even non –believers accept, there is a Supreme being. Greater and Good and all forgiving. So to answer the question, the reason that there are fewer converts in the affluent west is because many have replaced their faith, for faith in X-factor/Blackberry/I-phone4/A-Z celebrities/daytime TV/Football stars/pornography and my personal favourite – eastenders!!!??? Go figure!
In societies that are not affluent( dont make me laugh! ), conversion to Christianity is on the increase year on year simply because of what the Bible said,..” the meek shall inherit the earth” When you don’t have the basics of life,….shelter/food/water and security it leaves you little option but to belief that only God can save you. However, I take umbrage at the fact that presupposes that in less affluent part of the world lack of consumerism is the only reason they have more people converting to Christianity. In general, people not in the Affluent west tend to have more faith, spirituality and the belief that God is the cornerstone of their life.Isnt it a shame affluence is married to wealth and presupposes that one without wealth cannot be rich. ( in spirit, body mind and soul )
Lastly, unlike in the west they don’t belief just because you can’t see it means you shouldn’t believe it. Afterall, you cant see air but you breathe it and it sustains you.
Remember: running water cannot be stopped ~ its baptises you at the beginning

Saturday 8 January 2011

Present Progressive II

Present Progressive II
Living on the matrix line of essentiality
Debased, de-barred, duplicity, multi ethnicity
An abstract disollushionment
A semi confined stranglehold
A present progressive dilemma
Amadioha? Armageddon? Armistice?
A general understanding.
Did I say shrouded?
In a forlong desire to please
Please what?
Please whom?
And why?
Utopia It may seem
A desirable desire
A passionate perversion
A desperate, quintessence reflection
A surreal understanding
In a forlong desire to please
Pastime prohibitions
Chased inhibitions and seduced innocency
Remorseful rememberances
Ubiquitous unctions
Cosmetique facades!
Deriding definition, despondently
Aggressive attacks
Beating back the shadows
Of Oneself

Remember: running water cannot be stopped,...

Present Progressive and Past Imperfections

Present Progressive and Past Imperfections
On impulse I’m tempted to retract back to my world
My world where I’m protected from the cruel unknown tomorrow
My world where admission is based on intellectual realism
And sensitive actualism
My world where syndicated pluralism is locked out
My world of infinite definition
And non-commission: nor subscription
Away, Away, from the stoic submissions of hypocritical love!
- breathless reasons
- anticipated rations
- of man-made socialism
- isms this, schisms that
But impulse remedies not
Nor resolves non
Perfection, purpose, progenity
Lies in the infinite mercy of God
Remember: running water cannot be stopped ~ it flows and runs deep!