Monday 17 December 2012

What a strange world we live in

What a strange world we live in

Regrettably, America saw the horror of 9/11. It went on to change the whole American psyche. Changes were instigated to ensure such carnage could not occur again on American soil. 
America has had more loses of life thru the internal killing of innocents as in the case of Connecticut and others before it, than the combined victim counts in several wars.
We have to ask the questions :
1.Why are these terrorist always white men from well-to-do family background? ( let's make no bones about it, you are a terrorist  if you can take a gun and shoot down innocent people, especially children) 

2. Why does America have an obsession with Guns?

3. Most importantly, if a thing known as the constitution exist in America. With all its amendments,..why do people say it cannot be amended to stop America from bleeding again!!!

The term constitution by determination means a system off laws enshrined to stop lawlessness and protect the rights of every single American. Beautiful in interpretation simplistic in its ideal,..yet every six months we have this atrocities visited on our children. 

A nation you can say is judged on the way it protects all its citizens. However, when a nation cannot protect its children, there is something seriously wrong. "We have gotta be able to do better than this" - these are the usual  response whenever these horrors occur. You can almost plot when the next outrage will occur. It's sickening and it's enough. 

Were these atrocities caused by America's favourite "go to for blame" (muslim terrorists) the outrage, response and deaths in the Muslim world in terms of American retaliation would have been shock & awe. Does anybody not see the irony???

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The enemy is within in America,..whilst we stand and talk of "fiscal cliff" ( which btw,..most Americans don't understand) we are taking our eyes of the ball. The right to bear arms ultimately coupled with the wacky left could be the final undoing of America. 

The fact is we call it the United States,..however I fear this is only in name. Anyone who has ever lived in America will tell you that neighbour fear neighbour,..state to state. Suspicion abound in a healthy dose and the bad intentioned prey on the mind of the intellectually weak or vulnerable. 
When will it all stop? Maybe when one of the children of the gun lobbyist 
is among the victims of such crimes. However, from experience it's the innocents that usually pay the ultimate prize.

For the children of America 

Remember: runningwater can heal.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

I would welcome a change of noose

I would welcome a change of noose
Unrelenting is my evil luck 
Breathless in its predicament 
Unpure, unclean unhealthy
Dark despairing cold and shattering 
Bleak unsparing dangerous 
The rage within an explosion of unfulfilled ambitions
Unfulfilled initiation

Dare I dream?

I would welcome a change of noose

From boy to man
My thoughts, physicality, mind body and soul predetermined
I hear them say where is your God?
Mocking and mockingly

Giddy and without response
I dwell in the arms of pity, debate, social and economic intervention
My history often heard seldom believed 

A cause célèbre?

I would welcome a change of noose
The grip on this one is loosening
There is danger I may engage in self thought 
I may look for hope in a field of despair
Just another day in my life in Gaza

For: Mohamed & Laila. 
For the people of Gaza

Remember: runningwater keeps you clean inside and out
Londres 27novembre,12@07.59

Saturday 17 November 2012

What would you do?

What would you do?

If you lived in the grounds of a MANOR  HOUSE but all your services like gas, electric water roads and resources depended on the manor house. 

They decided when you could travel by road 
They decided when you could have water
They decided when your electric would come on or off
They decided if you could cook with gas today

What would you do?

And if you were tired of the lack of self determination you decided to travel by road without permission from the Manor House.
Your punishment was these same roads were dismantled and road blocks instigated

What you do?

If your water resources we turned off and you couldn't have water for women children and the needy? Your schools couldn't operate, you couldn't trade with neighbours, you couldn't access medication.

What would you do?

If your gas and electric was switched off? 

Because finally, you decided something had to be done. You decided that the very children that were starving and in essence being sacrificed because of the actions of the Manor House.  This same children would be better served by sacrifying them as child bombers!!!

This in itself would go on to serve or solve very little,...but it would bring to the notice the actions of the occupants of the Manor House.

Violence can never and should never be condoned, but given the circumstances of having to live with your entire existence controlled. You have little option but to do,.....SOMETHING

When you DO something, the occupants of the Manor House come out all guns blazing,..acting in complete disproportion to the action you initiated. All you wanted was self determination.

You would have thought the occupants of the Manor House would understand. After all, they were persecuted and killed and slaughtered and any other horror you could imagine.

You would have thought they would understand.

In parts of Europe in the early 16th/17th century, these living arrangements were called FIEFDOMS! But there were some benefits then!!!!

Today 16112012, at the MANOR HOUSE, guns came out blazing and the armies and control units once again surrounded the tiny fiefdom. The occupants have been warned that if they don't desist from self determination, they would be crushed.

Violence should never be condoned by anybody or by either side. However, the cause of the fight are biblical,..the protagonist are long dead, we cannot take any of these lands beyond our current existence, but what we can do is have love for a brother man. Beyond the surface, and egos and posturing, we are EXACTLY the same. Neither shall inherit this earth, why kill and maim each other for it. 

Just as a throw away question,... Given what we know of the world. What would the people of the Manor House and the occupants of the Fiefdom do, if ALIENS decided it was time to level this small place where we show each other very little love. After all, when was the last time you explained yourself to a cockroach???

Would the Manor House and fiefdom bat for humanity?

What would you do?

Remember: The possibilities are endless when we dare to dream
Walkkum Salam - 16112012

Tuesday 13 November 2012

John Terry Revisited ~ A delicious irony???

If someone said to you several years ago that a white boy who's best mates are mostly black would be found not guilty of racially abusing Anton Ferdinand in a British court of law,with dodgy evidence supplied by one notorious Ashley Cole. A man of sterling qualities (hahahaha)
Wait, there is a question in this piece!!!

If you were told that this same JT would be found guilty by The FA because he did actually admit using racial epithets, banned for only 4 games and fined the equivalent of a weeks wages £200k or so.
If you were told this same JTwould literally run into another notorious footballer of Uruguayan extraction found guilty of racially abusing a certain Patrice Evra and banned for 8 games on very little evidence. 

Would you not call it a delicious irony?

JT maybe out for the season and Saurez unhurt. Suarez, he of the silky football skills, a very good footballer albeit with a penchant for swan diving. 
Isn't it a delicious irony that these sterling characters should meet in such circumstances and one meets out the true punishment we all must experience when we feel we can use fancy lawyers and lies to cover our shortcomings?
You get my drift,... We eventually pay for our misdeeds.

Imagine, if JT had come out at the time of the incidence with Anton and just said: look, I said certain things, it was in the heat of the battle. Am sorry, as a man and role model to kids this is unacceptable. If he had followed it up with an apology to the Ferdinand brothers, England may still have 2 super centre backs now.
It was a delicious irony that those two fellas should meet at Chelsea by accident, one paying and getting his cumuppence and the other the justified plaudits as one of the finest footballers these shores will ever see. 

Remember; runningwater is taken in copious amounts by footballers to restore lost energy. Let it be the from the fountain of truth.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Love simply described,...

These quotes pretty much expresses my personal pursuit of happiness. One should never settle for the half-step. You only have one life to live. Live it in happiness, rich or poor. As the Dalai Lama  said:- "our love for each other should exceed our need for each other"

Remember:running water is life affirming
Pour vous: Titi, Avec mon amour toujours!

Thursday 8 November 2012

Après la pluie comme le beau temp

Après la pluie comme le beau temp

The storm gathered and again I was caught in the midst of the madness. 
The still of time held me transfixed  and gripped by the fear within
Thoughts of despair arise
Feverish cold sweats
Demise imminent 
Future comes into sharp focus
Bleak  is the outlook
The lights dims,...

Another night spent in sweat and tears

Sweat and tears as I arise
It wasn't a dream,...

Another unending cycle of despair merging day and night
Familiar becomes my focus 
Acceptance my possibilities
Dread and self loathing 
Rituals of Work, Eat,Drift,Home,Pray


A recurring unending nightmare of days rolled into night into days
Seamlessly loaded with faint memories of Omar
Why? How? And When?
Answers elude me
Acceptance my possibilities?

The storm gathered and again I was caught in the midst of the madness 
I sought refuge in you but,..
No restitude did you offer

But i never stopped believing
Never stopped hoping
Never rested on my laurel

Then you spoke to me
So loud it was deafening
It all happened so quick

Casa, Rabat, Casa, Tribunal, Adul
Moments of joy
Moments of self discovery
The joys of being held
Joy and pain like sunshine and rain
The simple pleasures of sharing
Sharing and loving
Loving and being loved
A soulmate in an unforgiving world

Could it be?

Omar, Cecillia, Tunde???

Oui, après la pluie,...le beau temp

Pour Titi,  mon amour.
 Vraiment,...après la pluie,..le beau temp

Remember: runningwater affirms life.

Monday 5 November 2012

Have you had an Emotional Health Check?

This is a serious discourse because of the times we are living in. Too often we are driven along the emotional roller-coaster of life we forget to stop and assess our emotional level of wellbeing.

 An emotional health check is if you  like , a state of the union meeting with your mind, body and spirit. The aim is an emotional MOT, designed  to verify where and if you might be lacking. This should be conducted at least every 3months. Mini reviews should be done every weekend. I call this: "steal a moment, gain a life". Basically, if you are doing these mini self evaluation it will enable you to identify cracks in your emotional well being. Ensuring issues identified can be resolved before they fester and harm or disrupt your positive energies.

 "Steal a moment, gain a life" : a process by which we identify frailties in our emotional well being and by so doing, live a longer and more productive life.

Our emotional status is often governed by the people we share our lives with. Be it employers, family, friends lovers or casual acquaintance. And so the questions are: 
A. Where do you start?
Ans: Always With do I love myself?
Without loving who you are, you cannot begin to love nor appreciate others. Nor they you. With this answered we need to look at what I call "the emotional template"  These are codes of conducts by which you live your life and may include the following:
A. Do I take ownership for my actions?
B. What energies am I projecting?
C. What's perceived, what's real?
D. Am I striking an emotional balance?
E. Am I worthy?
F. What are my core beliefs?

Most of the above are self explanatory, so I shan't be explaining each "coc" Suffice to say, that each action begins with the first step. Essentially, do I have issues that require an emotional rinse cycle. Once identified, the elephant in the room can be taken out to graze. 

What are the benefits of an emotional health check?

Many would assume the answer or answers were obvious. However, think about it this way. If you've never had a breakdown, how would you recognise you needed treatment. Point here is, we should never assume. The lines between serenity and madness is very thin. Our daily pursuit of paying the bill leaves us very little time to even consider the madness within. We only really find consciousness once we have found damage. 

The purpose of my piece is to generate conversation and a momentum for self analysis and awareness. An emotional health check will give you mind, body and spiritual balance. This equilibrium will help you find perception and understanding of others. 
In the next piece, we shall examine: Body and in the final part: Spirituality. 

Remember: runningwater flows thru a myriads of sources.

Ode to Modupe

Modupe fun e aburo
You make me smile 
Just the simple thought of your name: olusola modupe. 
Could you have been better named?
From my earliest memory to my latest 
Candy and sweetness are what comes to mind when I think of you 
But wait 
I remember being caught by mama for staring at her in the toilets when we were young.

Little did she know I was merely playing hide and seek with you. 
And even today, even though I hide, you still you still seek my best interest in your own inimitable style.

What i most admire about you 
Is that,...
Although am your elder brother 
You have always looked out for my best interest and with respect  
Even thru my bouts of arrogance and flights of fancy.

There are not many people in this world you can say genuinely love you without question and thru all your faults.

Modupe fun e aburo
I wish that one day I can be 10% of the 100% you have been for me.
Modupe fun e aburo
Olorun a wa pelu e titi laye

I love you without restraint even when it's not so obvious.

Olumide babafunsho oluyomi awolesi.x 201012@04.58

Friday 26 October 2012

And So to my 10 big questions for the week.

1. Will Mit Romney keep on saying whatever needs to be said without substance, just to win by any means necessary?

2. Does art imitate real life? For example: the Presidents of America are always blacks in American films when world disasters occur.

3. Dave "call me dave Cameron" announced we are at officially 1% growth. So we are out of the double dip. Whilst at the same time record levels of job losses were announced today. How do those whose jobs have been lost feel about his announcement. Small comforts for personal tragedies surely???

4. Do we remember the Kent businessman sent to America to answer charges for selling arms? Isn't it ironic,  he is to plea bargain admitting the crime. Yet the misplaced British media cried wolf initially for his innocence.

5. Will Manchester City ever get past the qualifying stage of the champions league?(hahahaha!!!)

6. Minister in charge of DWP has chopped and slashed and insisted people must find work. Where are these jobs that abled body workers can find  let alone disabled applicants.

7. Angela Merkel may be a despised figure on a recent visit to Athens,...because of the Greek austerity measures. However, can we try some perspective here, she didn't live beyond her Greek means. It was the Greeks that did that and it's not sustainable. Now they are paying the price.

8. What's the point of reality TV shows if nothing more than an effective tool for governments to release negative economic news??

9. Dare I say it: why are most paedophiles of certain background, age, colour and propensity?

10. Similarly, why when I go to the hole- in -the- wall, my fear for money and safety is not number 9 above, but young men of a certain hue and disposition?

Thanks for stopping by: remember:- runningwater can cleanse and quench

Thursday 18 October 2012

Instructions for life in the new millennium

1.      Take into account that great love and great achievements involves great risk.
2.      When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3.      Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, respect for others, responsibility for all your actions.
4.      Remember not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5.      Learn the rules so you know how to break them.
6.      Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7.      When you realise you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8.      Spend some time alone every day.
9.      Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10.  Remember that sometimes silence is the best answer.
11.  Live a good, honourable life. Then when you are older and think back you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12.  A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13.  In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
14.  Share the knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
15.  Be gentle to the earth.
16.  Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
17.  Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18.  Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19.  Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Wise words courtesy of the Dalai Lama.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Did JT end Rio Ferdinand's International Football Career?

It's with interest and amusement that I note the continuing saga of the Ferdinand and Terry footballing icons. Rio Ferdinand's only crime was to support a brother allegedly racially abused by John Terry. This is the same Rio Ferdinand voted as one of the most outstanding defenders in the world in his initial World Cup in 2002 in South Korea and Japan. From the England squad only Sol Campbell shared the honour of making the world eleven. John Terry was a player that had not even been heard of whilst Ferdinand was making a name for himself.

In defending his brother Rio got left out of the England football squad for footballing reasons when a clear choice had to made by the England manager if the pair could work together in the England squad. Terry was chosen for footballing reason by Roy "honest man" Hodgson.  

Asked on a train journey from the emirates stadium by an England fan if Rio Ferdinand still had an England career, he carelessly replied : Rio's England career was over. What a way to learn your career was over after having given your all for your country! 

Hodgson was forced into embarrassingly having to explain his unguarded remark to the press. Once again, his explanation was for footballing reasons. 
Amazing isn't it that your brother allegedly gets abused by a stellar character like John Terry and your reward is the end of your international footballing career. 
It gives new meaning to: Am I my brothers keeper.

So, what do you think, did JT end Rio Ferdinand's international football career? 
A racist usually assumes a position of power hence they think they are better or you are inferior. However, when you drill down into the racist you normally find the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. A key point is to look closely at JT's father and his family and the truth becomes evident.

Remember: runningwater is fluid and sustains you,..all of us including the racist.